A year and a half ago, the morning after a ranch party, Peter woke up and decided to ride a four wheeler around. He already temped fate the previous night, riding four wheelers drunk in the dark. But, this morning he was sober. Now four wheelers are built for off road, but they aren't built for riding full speed into a ten foot ditch. But, that's what Peter did anyways. He was riding through a grassy plane full speed, not paying attention, and drove off the side of the ditch and crashed into the bottom of the other side. Andy (not the fiend Andy, a different Andy) was out riding with him and brought Peter back to the house on the back of his four wheeler. He had a hole in his leg. You could see the muscle on his bone. One, still partially drunk, idiot yelled, "Quick, get him drunk so he won't feel pain." Peter got in Dillon's car and they drove off. Dillon was on his way to to the emergency room when Peter called his mother and explained the situation. She demanded that he return home immediately so Dillon dropped him off outside and his mother took over from there Andy (the fiend Andy) and a couple other fiends went to go get the four wheeler. It's drive shaft was broken so the wheels were stuck sideways and it was impossible to push. They got a chain, tied the four wheeler to a pick up truck and just dragged the four wheeler out of the ditch and back up to the house. Paul ended up being okay, but he had to work during the summer to pay off the four wheeler. More stories at Fiendom
no you suck. And if you look closer at the picture we used it because it's called "Legendary Fiend" and we changed to text to say "Plus 10% beezay raps capacity" Now that a damn fine power if I do say so myself.