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Crazy shit thats interrupted a session?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HippyAmnesic, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. So i was toking on a joint last night at about half ten, i was sat outside on my bench looking into my garden/the sky which i love doing at night. I was maybe halfway down my jay and i was starting to feel pretty lifted when out of nowhere something ran, screeching across my garden.. not just a screech.. i'm talking about satanic snarling.. like, actual blood curdling howling.. I didn't see 'it' but i saw the bushes shake and it was moving like, so fucking fast..

    I quickly stubbed my jay, heart pounding, and ran inside. I went up to finish my jay next to my window and as i was finishing up i saw a black 'something' slinking across my lawn.. Although i was pretty baked so ya'know.. ahaaa.

    It was so scary.. i mean, i cannot put enough empisis on how horrific the sound it made was.. and the way i heard it move from my left to right in seconds.. the thing of fucking nightmares! - but most of all i was pissed it fucked with my session! :(

    anything strange/weird interrupt you sessions? Lets hear 'em.. :D
  2. i bet it was a skunk puking up a hair ball HAHAHAHAHA, when my ferret (closely related to skunks) chokes up a hairball, it sounds like he is dying, mixed with chanting some ritualistic song that only ferrets can under stand.... scared the FUCK out of me the first time it happened in the middle of the night, now it just kinda sounds like deep coughing to a beat
  3. I was rolling myself a joint it was like 1am. I'm chilling out my window smoking it, 3rd floor, and I hear some guy saying 'come here now' to some girl. It quickly became apparent what was happening, he was tryna rob her. Anyway, the girl tries to walk on but the guy keeps following her and harassing her and eventually hits her. I'm just chilling watching this. Then I'm like fuck it. I grab my baseball bat, grabbed my keys, and ran downstairs. So by the time I got downstairs I see the guy sat ontop of the girl punching her and trying to take her bag off her, I ran up to them, boot him in the head, he falls onto the girl. I rolled him off, stamped on his face, hit him in the chest with my bat, then kicked him once more for good measure, he stayed on the floor. I picked up the girls bag, and helped her up and took her back to mine. She was bleeding and shit, I let her clean up, then called her a cab home. We exchanged numbers.
  4. not so much of an interruption.. but oh well

    The end of a 40 minute hookah sesh

    Im so baked im 100% couch locked
    they go to dispose of the cherried shisha left in the hookah and i can barely move at this point we're all just having a good time and laughing and shit playing NES

    The person on hookah disposing duty ends up dropping the whole cherry to SCATTER across a newly done hardwood floor. Sheesh there were embers EVERYWHERE. Literally EVERYRE scattered across the floor, on shoes blankets.

    A few people instantly jump up and start stomping out the coals with their socks..meanwhile all the embers are all over my coat and theyre burning it to bits. They were all like man... Your COAT! and i was so cooked i was just like... meh leave it. No bigs

    Still got the burn marks to this day hahah

    good times...good times.
  5. One time, when I was in gr 12, I was smoking at school. I was in the forest beside our school. Anyway, I'm hitting my spoon and a grade 7 gym class comes running in a few meters away. I booked it outta there in a heartbeat.

  6. now imagine that bread with a t-rex, and then that bread with George Bush and we're getting close to the satanic sound!
  7. Me and my buddies were rolling up 5 blunts of k bud at one of their houses. Anyways, after burning through 3 of them we hear a loud noise coming from the front door, before we turned we heard the door bust open and people screaming "RAID POLICE!" "GET DOWN!". After all was said and done they were looknig for pounds and we got off okay :smoke:.

  8. damn thats like 1 loaf of bread

  9. I thought you was gonna finish with 'it was just my mum coming home' My mum thinks it hilarious to shout 'POLICE!!!!' as she opens my door, knowing full well i'm smoking. ahaaaa.
  10. Lol...
  11. hah not really an interuption but im just coming inside after a smoke sesh, get some muchies go the the couch and there was a fucking dog laying on the couch, i sat on it and it moved i started tripping the FUCK out uhaha
  12. Man i sure wish it was just my mom shouting that lol, would've beeen wwaaaayyyy better than what happened. But my mom's done that before and scared the shit outta me :rolleyes:, mom's can be so cruel.
  13. My buddies landlord with a huge wooden club. fuck that guy

  14. This is some G shit. Respect.
  15. So this was when I was pretty new to smoking, me and 2 friends were smokin' it in this orchard by his house. It was still only like 4 or 5 and we kept hering thumps and lots of noises. So between the 3 of us, we got a pipe and a bong going and we're all noobs so we are blazed. then I think I hear some kids laughing and playing, and calling for their mom. Then I hear a mans voice calling the kids into the house because he heard someone in the orchard. At this point I totaly freak out and bolt, grabbing the weed. Of course my friends take off after me and we go back to his house and eat food :smoke:

    We discussed it in the morning, and no one else had heard the conversation. To this day, its one of the biggest mysteries of the smoking career whether those voices were real or if I was just hella trippin' :confused:
  16. HAHA you made me LOL

    Im going to +rep you asap.
  17. Fucking noobs throwing up after bong tokes., just ruins a good buzz.
  18. That looks like the spawn of a gremlin and a hairless cat. :eek:

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