well i kind of made a bet with someone: can anyone give me assurance that if you smoke a joint in a small closed growtent with the carbon filter on and the fan running, will all the smoke get filtered out and will a person on the outside of the tent with their head near the exhaust not be able to smell anything at all? I need a solid answer for this, because someone I know is skeptical about carbon filters and this would be definite proof for the person. I would also like to know if carbon filters are this effective thanks a lot RC
I havent used a carbon filter in a growing tent before, but i used a carbon filter attatchments to like bongs and what not... Probably not the same though. What do you mean by not be able to smell it at all??
Smell can still make it all the way through a filter. Its never a GUARANTEE It will stop smell just makes it much less strong.
so you're saying carbon filters don't remove smell 100%? even the brand name phresh filters? is there any way to smell-proof a grow tent then
carbon filters are maybe around 95% effective on smell, you will always have that chance smell will go through that, and even then i suggest some onagel or an ozone generator
BTW ozone is toxic to humans just fyi. Ina gel does capture odor but for best results get a Mister outside by ur exhaust cause the gels at least from my experience soak up all odor too fast
[quote name='"King of Kings"']BTW ozone is toxic to humans just fyi. Ina gel does capture odor but for best results get a Mister outside by ur exhaust cause the gels at least from my experience soak up all odor too fast[/quote] Ozone isnt toxic it produces oxygen and carbondioxide so how is it toxic and onagel does capture odor go take a look at their site
[quote name='"BADL"'] Ozone isnt toxic it produces oxygen and carbondioxide so how is it toxic and onagel does capture odor go take a look at their site[/quote] Yeah it is. U Google it I don't have time. Nvm here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/6376815/
[quote name='"King of Kings"'] Yeah it is. U Google it I don't have time. Nvm here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/6376815/[/quote] That's a whole bunch of ramble honestly dude, we put so much toxic shit in out bodies anyways by the bad air we breath outside to the fast food shit we eat it's all not good for our body so I really see no harm in an ozone generator and if they did harm us that bad the FCC would no let them be sold in the US I hear where you are coming from though
pubmed articles are definitely not ramble he's right about ozone being toxic, i know this for a fact anyways to stay on topic, so using ona gels and good carbon filters should be the best bet for totally eliminating a grow tent smell? does a random no name grow tent work fine or do you need to perform modifications e.g. tape holes where light shines from, or are there any brand name tents that offer really sealed conditions versus others? thanks rc