Just had to share this with you guys.. Either this guy is a bullshitter and smoked some dank shit or he has issues. Need some bathroom assistance - 18/hr
even if it's fake i'd jump on that shit. anything for money. I'm having trouble finding people to mix and master for, but when i get my site up and google adwords all ready to go hopefully I'll start gaining fundage. I'd take that job though haha.
Hhaha. I don't know man. I would call him up even if it wasnt real. if he is serious then its easy money, if not it makes up for a good story and the look on his face when you show up should be priceless.
*loo but yeah i think it's fake. If it is real however, whoever ends up getting that job is a lucky motherfucker - 144$ a day to chill in the restroom and flush poop and pee. e-mail the guy I say!