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Crazy insomnia after t-break attempt

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CannabisCunt, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Ive been smoking atleast once/twice/three times a day (sometimes once in 48 hours) for the past 7 months and decided to take a t break

    first day went suprisingly well, just missed it but didnt think too much.

    same for day 2 and 3 (day 2 was slow) (day 3 felt "heyy ive done it and ive forgotten what it was like so not bothered)


    one thing messed it all up.

    trying to sleep.

    Day 1, slept at 9am (in bed at 2am) - Could NOT get my body to shutdown and sleep. i was twitching, getting pissed off, punching the wall etc

    Day 2 - 7am

    Day 3 - 7am

    Day 4 - SMOKED - 12am

    i only gave it up for three days just to prove i could, i had been smoking every day for 7 months straight so it was kind of a bigthing

    I think ill need sleeping pills when i quit weed cause of getting a medical-required job
  2. i know where you're coming from man, it will go away eventually and your normal sleep will return, sleeping pills are horrible for u
  3. Yea. I know what you mean. Just make sure your active throughout the whole day, and stay busy. I really dont think you will need the sleeping pills. Your just so used to be medicated when faling asleep. You will get used to it.
  4. Agreed
  5. That is a common side effect of Marijuana, sleeping pills are terrible for you please do not resort to that. Try reading a book, you can't fight going to sleep or you won't. If you feel restless get up move around a bit, take a hot shower, and do some reading and see if that helps.
  6. I agree with what flippyblazer said. I used to burn multiple times a day for like a year, now I'm on a t-break for a few months. The first few days are the hardest, after that its not even bad. tomorrow is going to be 2 weeks.:hello:
  7. it is really hard to go to bed when you're so used to toking before it. start working out in the evening or late afternoon and get in bed a little earlier
  8. My other has the same problem. I agree sleeping pills are not good at all but you could try using meletonin. Its a supplement sold in health stores. Working out before you go to sleep also helps.
  9. Not all sleeping pills are bad for you, you could take benedryl or melatonin both of which are really easy on your system heck melatonin is even good for you. You can get them at just about any store that sells food.
  10. If you're going to t-break after heavy usage you aren't going to be able to fall asleep as easy, as your brain and body are used to relying on the high/burnout to put you out... When I t-break, I make sure to run or hit up the gym for a heavy workout to exhaust myself because otherwise I'm the same way as you... If you want to pop sleeping pills instead, just keep your usage of them in check, as they aren't necessarily bad for you, you just might end up even more dependent on drugs to fall asleep.
  11. You would eventually just be tired, and fall asleep more easily. The key is not sleeping in too late. Within a week your sleep schedule should be back on track.
  12. When you smoke weed, your body produces more melatonin. When you don't smoke, you don't have that extra melatonin, so for the first few days you will need a boost. Your body needs to get back to its normal cycle, but that takes time.

    So get some melatonin dissolvable tablets. I have some that taste like peppermint, and I would just put it under my tongue.

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