Crazy grow idea 100 oz's!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by grassy haze, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. #1 grassy haze, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    So i was thinking, if you look at AskEd's post here,

    You can see that he threw the clones into 12/12 as soon as they were rooted and they put off about 30 grams each. The pots are 5'', or half gallon. If you had 100 of them going it would only be a 50'' x 50'' grow space putting off over 100 oz's every harvest! Am i crazy or would this work? And what kind of lighting would you need for all those small plants? I'm not seriously considering this since i would probabaly get a lot of jail time if someone found out but it was just one of those thoughts!
  2. I'm pretty sure you still have to provide some room between them other than mashing the pots together. I'd think if you lollipopped them all, you'd be able to get away with butting the pots together.

    There is something you're missing though. Vertical grow setups are becoming more popular. The "innovator" of it, Heath Robinson, pulled 1200 grams from a single 600 watt light. The one linked in my signature cost me 135 bucks to build, including the water pump. It works great, and is super simple to use. Mine only takes up a 48"x48" space, because I run a little under a 4 foot diameter.

    It's definitely something to consider. All you really need is a mother room, a cloner, and the space for the vertical. Figure even if you pull a 1/4 per plant, and you've got 40-50. It's not hard to understand lol.

  3. Yeah I've been looking into those vertical grows they're crazy. I might try one if I get the time. Also, what do you mean by lollipopping?
  4. Lollipopping is when you trim all the leaf/bud growth that's growing underneath the screen. In a scrog setup, you're focusing on growing all tops, rather than tops AND popcorn buds - it allows the plant to concentrate its energy on producing colas.
  5. Ah i know of the technique with a ScrOG screen but didn't know it was called lollipopping. But i guess the name kind of fits eh?
  6. I know this is not the answer to the question asked but it shows kinda the potential for what you're proposing.
    [ame=]dreamland - YouTube[/ame]

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