Crazy dream

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Broc-obama, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. I just had this dream, where I bought a $60 purple avocado.. that was a marijuana avocado. I ate a couple pieces and I was so baked I couldn't move (in my dream) and for some reason there was a house party going on upstairs and people were outside my window talking to me. I know this sounds crazy, but where can I find some purple avocado?!? That shit was the BOMB

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  2. it's hard for me to remember my dreams
  3. Reminds me of before i had smoked any weed in my life. I had a dream of smoking, and i was high as fuck and loved it. so i got high in real life, and it was exactly the same. So it was like my body was showing me what being high was like. weird shit haha.
  4. I hear avocadoes have a large amount of fat in them. Maybe if you alter genetics a bit and cause the thc grow activaters genetics to grow with the fat medium of the avocado, you can literally have a vegetable edible that grows from the ground and gets you higher than a mother.

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