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Crazy bitch said she will press charges???

Discussion in 'General' started by Crawfordthedank, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. #1 Crawfordthedank, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Last weekend there was a party at my house, and this drunk girl was in a bedroom that was off limits so my roommate said that she needed to get out of the room, it was his room. Well she was drunk and stubborn and didn't leave the room after being asked many times so my roommate started to yell at her to leave the room. This was after he asked nicely. She then gets goes crazy and starts yelling at my friend and this other girl who I know. My friend says, "Look there is a party out there, not in my room. I need you to just leave my room." and he had to shove her out of the room and close the door. It wasn't forcefully it was just to get her to leave because she wasn't leaving after 15 minutes of her yelling and bitching and multiple people talking to her and telling her to leave. 
    The crazy girl then tries to fight this girl and shoves her down and then crazy girl got kicked out of the party. Of course she decides to call the police and say she was assaulted. The police come and almost give us a ticket, but her being drunk just leaves so the police had no one to talk to. 
    Today my friend sees this girl and tells her that she shouldn't call the police like she did, just because of the hassles it causes us. Especially with our medical marijuana program. Although we are following state laws I'd just rather not deal with the police. 

  2. if your friend that approached her after the fact is the same guy who threw her out, he should tread lightly.
    i wouldnt go antagonizing somebody that was trying to get false assault charges against you....
    just leave it alone and dont have her over anymore.
  3. #3 Crawfordthedank, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    We didn't even know her, and we were throwing a big birthday party and our friends usually bring their friends and we don't know all of them. But most of the time we try to keep it to people we know and most of the people at the party were the homies.
    Yeah my roommate should have not even said anything to her, but can she really do anything? She is for sure not allowed back, she was legitimately trying to fight people and she ended the party with the police. Totally not cool, but she can do what ever she wants people will see that she's a bitch. 
    I mean she's in some other persons house and she doesn't know anyone and doesn't leave when she is told multiple times by the home owners, so she had to be removed after she was threatening the other guests. We weren't mean about it we just pulled her out of the house because she was getting violent bro. 
  4. I wouldn't worry about it. and like the other dude said i would avoid her.
  5. my thinking is what if she does press the issue and try to press charges. its obvious this chick is unstable and willing to lie if she is claiming assault at the party. what if she claims your roommate was threatening her if she continued to press the issue? or something similar to this...
    ya that sucks man. id start locking the doors of rooms you dont want people in. 
  6. I wouldn't worry about it.  If she wasn't on your list of friends who were allowed to attend your party and she came anyway she technically was trespassing.  If cops showed up and didn't arrest anybody and only thing that happen is It shut your party down early then I wouldn't worry about it.  If she had a case they would of arrested someone but she didn't and the cops relies she was shit face drunk!!!!  You have the right to kick people out of your house weather they are straight or drunk or hi if they are not invited and her going into a bedroom off limits is trespassing.  She was told to leave and didn't so she brought the crap on her self.  I would just make sure she never showed up again and if she does call the cops on her and press charges on her!!!
  7. Bitch was trespassing in your room. You had to remove her. No harm no foul.Just drop it and you'll probably never hear of it again. And even if they investigate further and question people and it happened like you say then it'll be alright.
  8. Also this bitch knows we grow hella weeds, which Im kind of worried about. But it is legal medical grade. And we are under the limit.
  9. She can threaten all she wants.  If she was in the right the cops would of already done something.  You have your witness that were there at the party she doesn't have shit!  case close.
    Well there you go OP. Don't worry. Cops have bigger worries than your weed. And they don't like drunks anyway. So as far as they are concerned the incident is over. If she wants to be stupid...then her rep is what is at stake, not yours. You had witnesses.
  11. So she was trespassing and the tenant asked her to leave, she didn't and he forcefully removed her. Sounds like he was within the law. 
  12. #12 SkunkWoodz, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    Hell hath no fire like a bitch scorned
    or something like that, whatch yer back for crazy broads
  13. #13 TheFallen981, Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2014
    I feel you man. Last week I saved this bitch from getting raped. I fucking stopped chasing her, you know I get tired easily. Anyways she wanted to press charges! But I was like "Bitch please, I didn't even nut!"Sent from my SGH-T889 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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