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Craziest experience you've ever had while high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bamf64, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I just blazed a fatso bowl of Orange Dream and Trainwreck out of my bub "Azul".

    I walked into my room and i for some reason looked straight up. Don't know why.

    I look back down and i suddenly get this ridiculous feeling in my head and my head starts like compression in my head and than my "screen goes black". i couldn't even like stand i fell back on my bed and than it went away. Trippiest thing thats ever happened to me.

    eatin this :)

  2. Smoked a couple of bowls with my friend, and I'm looking at my arms with my peripheral vision, and they looked so tiny, like dinosaur arms.

    Oh, also a guy named Chipmunk pointed a gun at me while we were high. I still can't remember why.

  3. HAHA

    another thing that happened to me was when i clearly heard a man in my den talking to my mom saying "give me everything i want and i wont hurt you". my stomache sank to my asshole. scariest thing that has ever happened to me.period.

    anyone else?
  4. Had sex with my best friend. Crazy shit.
  5. Started to see colors and passed out. It was the first time I smoked real good shit and I just remember opening my eyes to my buddies laughing at me. Said I was only out for like 20 seconds but I felt fine after that.

  6. That almost happened to me! This girl i REALLY liked came over to my house for a kick back. We took like 3 huge bowls a peice out of my bong and we were blown. Laying together in my bed..Almost did...than the doorbell rang.

    OH HI MOM.

  7. Ahh, I'd raage. No one gets in the way of me and sex :p haha.
  8. At 5pm i went and got 4 McDoubles from maccas then went home and got super baked. Put on ipod and started eating the mcdubs round 5:30pm. Finished eating around 1am and had no idea where the time and my mcdoubles went.

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