Craziest Day Ever!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Gangaboris, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. #1 Gangaboris, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2010
    So today i skipped my classes, and decided to go into town instead. When i was in town i picked up some bud, and smoked it all morning till early afternoon. It was great. Around 2:00PM i finally got some more bud, and matched with a few people. It was time for me to go to work, and i went to work really high. Once i was at work my high started to disappear. I went on a break for a few minutes, and during that time i went and hotboxed my friends car. I got out and headed back to work. I was very high. As soon as i walk in i see my manager heading to the backroom. He comes out with a bottle of AXE and says you smell like weed spray yourself with this.
    I was so scared at the point the look on my face was :eek: So after i sprayed myself i continue work and i leave at the end, and he says nothing about it. Do you think i will be getting fired or do you think hes just going to keep it to himself. Also do you think i should ever go to work high ever again? Overall the whole situation was kind of funny, and when i left he told seemed happy and told me to have a great night!

  2. crazy indeed. I wouldnt go back there high though. he might think its disrespectful. what do you do at your job?
  3. I'm a cashier, and i open boxes, and stuff also. Easy job he also used to be a marine. I also know a few marines who smoke.
  4. Hahaha if he smokes he might be strait with it then. So do you go to UVM, saint mikes, or champlain college?
  5. i'm sure if he cared he would of told you

    not sure what line of work you do...

    maybe he was understaffed an preferred to have you work, just cuz he couldn't get any1 else on short notice

    maybe he doesn't care that you smoke and, just prefers that you don't come to work baked

    maybe this was just a free pass and you should never come to work stoned

    you know your situation best, and i'm sure you will come to the correct conclusion
    good luck on your journey
  6. I go to UVM
  7. spend 5 bucks on axe and visine. I have worked jobs in the field as you and you just cant let people know your high. its fine to smoke just dont do it at work amd cover it up so customers dont complain. you wont get fired for it until a customer goes to your manager and tells him the cashier smells like weed and his eyes are almost shut.
  8. were i work if the manager cares he wud fire me on the spot or at least at the end of my shift so its prob similar there so he prob doesnt care n

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