Cow manure

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by samske, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. Straped for cash stone broke cant afford anything fancy. i heard in nepal this is what they use and have used for centuries this one guy had a massive plant all he used was cow shit. Anyways what do you think?
  2. It needs to compost first
  3. you might not get the best results, but an easy potting mix is 3 parts top soil ( I use dirt from gopher holes), to one part chicken manure. thats going old school but it works:smoking:
  4. If you do this, add lime. Any compost or manure will need lime. As it decomposes the ph changes(down) the lime will adjust ph upwards to 7 as this happens. 1 cup per 6 gals mix is sufficient. Dolomite lime costs about $2.50 for 50lbs. Hope this helps.

  5. Be cautious about where you get cow manure. If it isn't a certified organic dairy the manure is going to be loaded with chemical milk production enhancers. I use decomposed organic cow manure in my soil mix, $15 for a pickup truck load.

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