cow manure

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by maverick1453, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. IM growing outdoor in so cal in 5 gallon bags. from clone

    and my question is the soil im using. I have access to a dairy. so im using pure 4 year or more baked cow manure.

    pros? cons? any help be great thanks
  2. Same as any manure, cow pats can burn.
    Its pretty easy to control that though. You can google cow manure tea and get a ton of info on making a solid liquid fert.
  3. cow manure is good if its wellcomposted then aged acouple years. i use it as a soil lightener. this year i'm feeding with top dressed worm casings. i did bury a large amount of fish heads and carcasses two months before planting. critters fiddled with them after one month but then lost interest.

  4. Dude they have been balls deep in the holes I dug. I found deer and coyote tracks near by. The coyotes were actually diggin in them! I didnt even have soil in them, they are still just holes! Coyotes are dumb as hell. Well now I know to buy some more wire than what I have currently.
  5. the coyotes dug down just shy of the fish-heads but they stunk so bad they gave up. i put small log and branch barriers and chicken wire around the plants. got some barb-wire on standby:smoke:
  6. I took out some small bushes and trees to block up their little trails, then peed on the downed branches. I wont be out there for another 3 weeks so we will see if they stay away.
  7. Kill one and leave it there.
  8. not avery good idea, will attract carion birds and other animals not to mention the smell.imho, not to mention the bad karma invoked:smoke:
  9. Works in Ky. Nothing eats a coyote except turkey buzzards.
    Kill a crow and hang it in your garden, the rest of the crows will stay out of the corn.
  10. turkey buzzards are carrion birds. my point being someone might see them and investigate whats attracting them.(like fish and wildlife officers checking for poached deer or elk carcasses) then stumble on your garden. but hey, whatever floats your boat.
  11. I see your point about the circling buzzards.
    Maybe pissin' on a tampon and hanging it around em' might be a effective way to keep the scent for a few weeks.
    I've saw deer hunters tie em' to their boots with doe pee and walk around draggin' it behind them.
  12. now your talkin'. those sound like horn hunters.myself i only hunt women two or four legged as their the best for my needs!

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