Courts out of control??

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jman42028, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. Regardless of your standing in the political spectrum, the courts attempting to block several of the trump teams agenda is not good. This is not good for several reasons, the main one is that the judges are supposed to uphold the constitution...not just make bullshit up to appease their echo-chamber and donors. But clearly something is wrong here, because the courts should not simply just be able to block things, because so far everything the man has done has been ruled completely constitutional. And there is realistically no reason to think this would have the exact same end result.
    So whats the point? To get your name on the 24 hour news networks a little bit...maybe help your re-election if your area likes dumb shit like this.
    personally, I wouldn't want to appear in front of a judge for anything that just makes up rulings just because they feel like it. Its a dangerous precedent that is being set here, and as typical, completely shortsighted on the lefts side. Why? Well we have a "republican" president now, so the liberal judges are acting up. What happens when/if we get another liberal president? The same fucking thing. And I bet anyone here that the dems will be screaming from the fucking rooftops about how unfair and unjust the process is.

    Trump: Judge's move to protect DACA shows court system is 'broken and unfair'
  2. that's one reason why some feel certain/particular presidents need to be elected. the big fear was that Clinton would be elected and there would be eight more years for the opportunity to put a liked minded judge in s.p.
    not to mention, all the lower courts below. defiantly a reward the party gets for having their guy in the white house.
    a lot of people don't understand the repercussions of not just voted for a person, but voting for a particular person who would appoint certain kind of people to lifelong or even year long government services, people that serve the public.

    it seemed like they went along with some of obamas things. i have to say that it didn't seem like they denied everything Obama tried to push though, and most judgements were reasonable.
    but that's a testament to past presidents

    i don't like courts either. last time i stood in front of a judge he sent me to jail for three months for having roaches. even after i went along with their stupid 18 months of probation, paying fee's, taking their drug test, taking classes and consuling...i mean who the fuck is this guy?
  3. Three branches of government. Same happened to Obama administration, with conservative judges. It's the system working as intended.
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  4. Just a clarification;
    Excerpts from OP
    "not just make bullshit up to appease their echo-chamber and donors"
    "maybe help your re-election if your area likes dumb shit like this."
    /End Excerpts
    They have no donors, nor need re-election.

    Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate, as stated in the Constitution. ... The Senate Judiciary Committee typically conducts confirmation hearings for each nominee.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. The president doesn't get to dream up an agenda and just implement it. That is not how our country is supposed to work. It's still time to end executive overreach.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Speaking of judges, remember Merrick Garland?
  7. Federal judges don’t have donors, genius. They aren’t elected officials.
  8. you just cant say a damn thing to anyone without it being some kind of insult can you? Bye.

    To everyone else...great, they don't get elected. Okay, that doesn't change the issue does it?
    So the same thing happened to obama, and you all are okay with it?
    The president is the president for a reason, because he was elected BASED on his agenda. These judges aren't STOPPING anything, they are just slowing it down. And why? Because surely they know in the 9th district court that they will be overturned anyways right? Of course. So whats the point?
    Checks and balances is correct. Thats how it should work. In cases like DACA, which is completely unconstiutional to begin with, it should have been blocked initially. Congress's JOB is to MAKE laws!!! So they should do their damn job.
    The court system is broken, at least this part of it, imo. Weather they get "elected" or not doesn't matter, and its pretty telling that every single reply to this post got that response, that one sticking point. Very telling, imo.

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