Court Ordered Drug Test?

Discussion in 'General' started by kb24117, May 28, 2013.

  1. Ok my friend was pulled over walking with a dime bag about 2 months ago. the cop arrested him and took him home. anyway he got a letter in the mail saying he has a court date 2 weeks later & he went. They told him he has some community service hours to serve and had a drug test on June 5th (giving him plenty of time to get the weed out of his system) but he hasn't stopped smoking since! he now has 8 days & i KNOW he's going to fail because he smoked a half ounce yesterday
    \nSo my question is, will he go to jail for a while or what?

  2. Go to jail for failing a drug test, no. What happens is up to the judge his prior record. I was arrested with a handful of kids at my house one night when I was 16. We all got the same charges and all failed our drug tests for the same drugs. I got probation along with 2 other people and 3 got probation and community service and the others had to go to impatient rehab. All different based on our records.

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