just got back from spending a week in Adare Manor with my girl and 2 friends for a week to celebrate her 21st. anyway, here's a couple pics in no particular order, including some decent mids we picked up were we stayed some mids
damn nice pics those are really beautiful and an eye opener to someone like me who proly wont ever go to ireland. only cause if i ever get close to eurpoe i will be in ampsterdamn =)
I love the pictures, I want to go to Ireland one day. Also could you maybe put a 56k warning in the thread title, I don't have dial up but some blades do.
nice sounds like a great time. i went to ireland a few years ago and it was beautiful just rolling green hills for days.
pretty awsome i wonder how much maintenance has to be done to those castles and if minimum why did they stop building dwellings like that, i wonder if you could put central air and heat in one of those
Awesome pictures man! I just got back from Ireland in May and I had a blast! Didn't smoke any there but bought a nice bowl. We were on a choir/guitar ensemble tour! We were all drunk as were the professors
Dude those pictures are freakin awesome, Ireland looks so beautiful, I'd love to go there someday.. hahaha