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Couple of vids from the sesh tonight that I figured I'd post

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by onlybuilt4, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. #1 onlybuilt4, Feb 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2009


  2. sweet blowtorch(ed :smoking::rolleyes:), and glass.
  3. Can't believe this has no replies, like seriously.

    Nice milk and nice glass man.
  4. I like that ashcatcher.
  5. how come you dont pull through your bong hits?

    ive noticed alot of americans smoke like this, it doesnt make sense
  6. His weed
    His glass
    His way
  7. #7 Visi0n, Feb 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2009
    To avoid beat/cashed hits and Dirtier glass. To me, it doesn't make sense to snap it through. But, to each is there own. Why would you want burnt weed floating through what filters your smoke?

    Also, Nice glass and milk.
  8. I actually normally do pull through, just not that time...
  9. #9 onlybuilt4, Feb 8, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2009
    Also, I don't really use that AC as an ash catcher so much as a filtration device since it has a 4-arm perc inside of it....I'm OCD about glass so I clean tubes/diffys/acs/slides several times daily if they're getting heavy use. You'll never see me toking on grimy glass for sure

    edit- anybody know a simple program to use to overlay an mp3 on the video?
  10. nice vids man
    NOT HEADIES!!!!!!!

    see how does that feel?
  12. lol

    feels like you're still an idiot
  13. Window's Movie Maker if you have PC,

    iMovie if you got Mac.
  14. definitely not a mac fan ;) I'll try that one out, thanks
  15. good vid bro, I love watching sesh vids, keep posting!
  16. thanks, I'll put up a couple more tonight

    Here are a couple recent milks :metal:


  17. [ame=][​IMG][/ame]

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