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Couple important questions NEED ANSWERS QUICK

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by dudewhodidstuff, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. OK so two questions.

    1. How far should I keep my light above my plants. Havent started yet. Will be using a 1000 watt light with air coolable relflector hooked up to 6in inline fan...growing lowryder 2's. What is a good height to keep the light from the top of the plants? And do I measure from the tip of the plants to the bulb..or what?

    2. What is the optimal size pot, galon wise, for lowryder 2? Ive heard taller and skinner is better? How many gallons? Anyone have a link for a specific size?

  2. Just place your hand under the light at the top of the plant, Raise the light until you can comfortably leave your hand there. If it burns your hand, It will burn your plant.

    Rule of thumb for pot size. 1 gallon for every month of grow. I don't mess with Lowryders, so I'm not sure. I don't think you can put them in too big of pot. I would guess that 3-4 gallon pots would be more than enough.
  3. The bigger the pots the better in my opinion. I use 7 gallon they seem to work very well. As for how far i never measure i just know how high in my head. if your using 1000w keep them pretty far away when they are little clones. When they get bigger start lowing them closer, and when they start getting light burn a little then you know its too close. After a few times you will figure it out pretty easily. Note you want them as close as possible but still not getting light burn. Hope that helps i dont use measurements cause different plants like different things. Hope that helps Bro

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