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Couple Different Sick Plants w / Pics

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by mrgreenbudz, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. #1 mrgreenbudz, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2008
    Ok I have a few different strains and all are experiencing problems. My largest plants the Sno Caps always appear to be wilting. I am careful on watering so really really can't see it being from overwatering.

    Now for Grand Daddy Purples. They appear to be yellowing and leaves curling downward.

    Nowmally I use Maxsea and have always had really good results with it throwing in a little Unsulphured Molasses here and there.

    Ok so I started off with Maxsea in May and I was having some clones start to flower very early bad clones, person I got them from didnt properly time them for outdoors I think. So I hit them with a product by 3D 16-0-0 using it only once a week for three weeks no other ferts. Around that time we got hit with the major fires in northern California so for about 2-3 weeks they didn't get anything and I wasn't even able to water much so they definately were getting DRIED all the way down.

    Around that time I decided to go strictly Organic and use Bat Guano Tea's w / Molasses.

    My mix was 12 oz of Bat Guano to 12 gallons of water w / 12 tblspns of Molasses and bubbled it for 2 days. I was then watering plants a little 3 - 5 gallons water and then giving them 2 quarts of my tea once a week. Note I was only watering every other day also.

    Plants were not looking good and showing signs of wilting on the Sno Caps , yellowing leaves on the Grand Daddy Purples and other symptoms on the Sour Diesel's doing a little yellowing around the edges of some of the leaves.


    Update - Just added pictures of the Grapefruit Diesel Showing signs of leaved starting to fold up and almost close as well as being curved.



    For my water I'm getting it right from my mt spring, pure mother nature. I have tested soil using Litmus Paper and by doing the following, digging down about 6 inches and takeing a tblspn full of dirt to a 1/4 cup of my water. The results are showing 7.0 PH so I know that is a little high and probably should adjust it down a bit.

    Other than this I can'y reallt figure out what is causing thes problems. This is my 3 rd yr and didn't have half these problems last yr...

    Any help?
  2. Dude, The wilting looks minor and the yellowing is negligible. You may want to up your nitrogen slightly and you could def drop your nute ph to 6 in order to bring your soil ph down. It is unlikely, but it could be a mild sulfur deficiency either way a ph drop will fix both problems without damage if I have misdiagnosed and a mild EC or TDS increase (of about 200ppm) wont hurt either and will probably fix your problem. PEACE! :)

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