Couple arrested for giving child marijauana

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Dtowndank, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. Forney couple accused of intentionally exposing toddler to marijuana | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Breaking News for Dallas-Fort Worth | Dallas Morning News

    I saw this on the news tonight and wanted to know what the people of the city thought of this. This is the 3rd or 4th case involving small children and marijuana in the Dallas area within the past few months or so. All recieved media attention. I will post the other stories asap.

    Tell me what you think.

    Did CPS have the right to take away the children?

    Should the parents face charges?

    Is the media blowing this story and others out of proportion to bring negative attention to the medical marijuana movement in Texas?
  2. That's fucked up, why would they endanger their own childs safety like that? That's as absurd as making a toddler smoke a cigarette or drink a beer. Some people are just retarded.

  3. I agree 100% but does anyone else find it disturbing that cps would remove the child from custoday of the parents even tho there was other people living at the home and there was no clear cut evidence that the parents did indeed give the child marijuana? Also world a story about a child that was given cigarettes or alcohol or even a accidental asprin overdose generate that kind of media attention and warrant the child being removed from the home??

    I am undecided on this and would love any feedback.
  4. Whether it's weed, cigarettes or alcohol, it's reckless endangerment and just as outrageous. Even if it wasn't the parents, they are still responsible for the child. I've heard of parents lossing their children for less. After this, I wouldn't trust them to take care of the child.
  5. Did CPS have the right to take away the children? Yes

    Should the parents face charges?Yes

    Is the media blowing this story and others out of proportion to bring negative attention to the medical marijuana movement in Texas? No

    It doesnt matter that cannabis is quite safe. A minors body is still developing. Any tampering with the chemical and biological markers can cause unconceivable damage to the body.
  6. Yeah, pretty fucked up of them to do that. I certainly wouldn't want them to raise a kid. Just my two cents though. :confused_2:

    Especially the one with the guy hot-boxing in the car with his kid in the back. That's just plain ignorant.
  7. we generally tend to label parents like this as "stupid fucks" i mean ITS YOUR FUCKING KID, you should not be messing with an infant like that, I jope that child grows up, and chooses their nursing home, and a shitty one at that
  8. It's a dick move to give, or let your child come into contact with an illicit substance and/or any mind altering drugs IMO.
    Weed might be relatively harmless but you can NOT fuck about with a kids formative years.
    Even if it wasn't deliberately given to the child, I think if the child has got into it, or if they've smoked so much around them that they've got a second-hand high...for both/either of those things to have happened indicates a lack of parental responsibility.

    I wouldn't say "take the kids" personally unless the situation was assessed to be a completely inappropriate/abusive environment for a child (eg - I think parents can smoke weed WITHOUT being irresponsible dicks), but, at very least some kind of attendance of...I don't know? Responsible parenting and drug education? type programs should be in place, as well as ongoing assessments for a while.

    Shit like this really pisses me off, it's a real backwards step to those that responsibly indulge.
  9. I think even letting your child inhale your second hand smoke is abuse. There is no reason why you can't take it outside.
  10. I think that cannabis is a medicine and therefore you should be able to administer it to your children, but only under a doctor's advice and carefully monitored dosage. There have been studies showing amazing results from using cannabis in low doses to treat certain conditions in children including add/adhd.The studies said that the dosage was so low that the kids aren't stoned, just medicated. Better than ritalin. At least it's natural. Just my two cents.
  11. I don't think children should be smoking weed, They should be given a chance to mature mentally and then decide for themselves.
  12. I don't think you should let a child smoke marijuana. It's a relatively safe drug... but I wouldn't let someone smoke weed unless they can weigh the negatives and the positives... and I wouldn't force anyone to smoke weed. It should be common sense that you shouldn't give weed to toddlers, though.
  13. I agree with what a few others said. It doesn't matter that cannibus is safe. A toddlers body is still developing, and exposing children that young to alcohol, smoke, etc is wrong. In this case, the parents deserve to be arrested and have their child taken away. If the kid was 16 or older, then I'd be much less concerned. However, this is not the case.
  14. Couple arrested for giving child marijauana


  15. LMFAO!!! Maybe I'm just real stoned but that pic was hillarious, best post i've seen today....
  16. Ya know it might be natural selection. It sounds awful I know.

    You have to think though if these people who are dull enough to put the most precious thing in their life in peril do you really want their genetics being carried into the next generation to endanger you and your childrens life(s) the same way they are willing to do with their childrens.

    Natural selection.

    Just food for thought. :smoking:

    (Seriously though I hope that kid get's put into a better home with parents that aren't blockheads.)
  17. im indifferent

    i used to know a guy that would let his 3yr old take hits off blunts and im talkin dank shit

    the kids name is actualy t-nut

  18. well if your talking about natural selection then have you ever thought that people with glasses are weakening the human dna. because they are. in the wild if you cant see well then you most likely end up getting eaten by a tiger or something thus killing you so you cant spread your bad eyesight on to your offspring. i'm not saying don't wear glasses or anything like that. i'm just pointing out the faults in our society and how they will eventually in some form or other lead to our downfall

  19. So all this time I should have known that my contacts would lead to my death.... The Accuvue commericial with the two hot blondes said nothing about death being a side effect... What a strange and twisted world we live in...

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