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counter red eye

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BuddhistBrian, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. are there any ways i could make my eyes not red without drops?
    i just ran out of drops and my car is getting repaired and itll be gone for a few days
    i really dont feel like getting noticed by my rents.
  2. Dont thin so
  3. You could try making homemade eye drops a bit sleazy though.
    Here is links for it, Homemade Eye Drops |

    I dunno though man it may just irritate your eyes. If your parents ask say you have itchy eyes.
  4. The itchy eye thing really wouldnt work. I've been caught by my parents plenty of times.
    I heard that staying hydrated helps a lot! can anyone back up this info?
  5. It wont work
  6. ive had my rhoto for a good 3-4 months now, and its not even halfway done.

    Just stock up on some visine, their at the gas station for like 2 dollars

    get 3 and it should last u about a year
  7. I know, I would definitely buy some right now. But I just can't get to the fucking store, no joke. Any ideas people?
  8. Find something to cry about.
  9. why would I waste my high crying? thats terrible man
  10. 1. Take a massive hit,hold
    2. Locate parents
    3. Blow that shit in their face
    Your parents will be too high to care if your eyes are red.
  11. you do know that never works right?
  12. I personally didn't think so either
  13. Wear your sunglasses in the house and if your parents ask why just say Cause im a BAMF.
    This worked with my grandmother
  14. Showers help

  15. Your only hope

  16. I may do this... Sounds kinda a good idea
  17. First of all, you don't wanna strain your eyes in any way when high with red eyes. Taking a shower or simply washing your face and laying down after would help a lot.
    It all depends how high you are and on your eyes lol.

    If your rents do book it just be like your eyes are itchy and just give em some bs.

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