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Couldn't think of a title, just read anyway.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by umop 3pisdn, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Do your feelings get enhanced lots when high? I find that when I'm in good surroundings with a good mate having a stoned chat it can be sweet. But if something shit is going on I start getting really impatient and annoyed easier than I usually would if I weren't stoned.

    For example, last night a friend and I were chilling outside talking about random shit and having a pretty good time just having a chat. It's times like this that I appreciate pot for turning a would-be dull moment into something more enjoyable.

    So anyway, we're having a far out stoner chat when out walks another mate (not so much my mate as he is my sisters boyfriend). Not a really bad guy but I really can't stand his bullshit ESPECIALLY while high. He comes out, has a few bongs then starts telling us about how awesome all his friends back home are and how they used to do sweet shit (most of the lame stories I've heard about 100 times) and how rich his parents are. The funny thing is, is we can all see through this guy easily. To basically sum it him up, he's a loser.

    But we don't hate him for it.. we'd probably feel differently if he didn't talk so much shit and actually showed some sort of selflessness from time to time. I don't mind if he has stories to share but the way he goes on about how awesome his life is and how cool he is by association is sickening. He might be able to fool people his never met with these stories, but I'm just sitting there thinking "Dude, I've known you for over a year, I don't care how cool you say your life is, I know for a fact it's not." Whenever I call him out on his stories he always changes the details on the spot, which tells me he either lies flat out or overexaggerates. My mate and I basically just sit there for 20 minutes not saying a word blatantly waiting for him to finish with his story so we can talk about something that actually has some sort of meaning behind it.

    I didn't mean this to be a rant about this dude, just pointing out a scenario where something someone does can DRASTICALLY change my high for the worse.

    P.S I know an option would be to not smoke with him, but he usually provides the pot and it's his place we're smoking at.
  2. To answer your one and only question in that whole posting. Yes and No.
    It just depends how im feeling
  3. yes I would definately say my feelings are more intense for better or for worse when high. I would say it was an even stronger difference from being sober when I first started, but my emotions are still definately stronger when I am high.
  4. see i couldn't do that.
    to me...weed relaxes me and lets my words flow easier.
    yeah it provokes thought...
    but i say shit before i think about it.
    i would tell that kid where to go and where to shove it.
    ya know?

    just ignore him for the most part man, i know it sucks but if he's providin bud you gotta appreciate it ya know?
    i've smoked with people i cant stand all the time...only cuz they agree to smoke me out when im broke.
    they aren't bad people...just really stupid when they're high.
  5. This pretty much sums it up.

    Only problem is once I'm in that mood it's kind of hard to get out of it. Completely ruins my high.
  6. Maybe you could just nicely tell him how you feel.
  7. Yeah, I would say so. If someone like that barged in on me and one of my friends while having a stoner chat, I'd send the guy out on his ass, I hate when people ruin my highs because they have to be the premier douche bag.

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