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Couldn't stop coughing

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jackman6123, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Ok so a few hours ago I smoked for the third time ever. I have a pipe and every time I took a hit and breathed out I just couldn't stop coughing. I have a few questions to was what I think is causing this.

    Was I taking to big of hits?
    Was I trying to hold it to long?
    Will I just get better from practice?

  2. Was I taking to big of hits? Yes, use the carb more, maybe hold it part way open.
    Was I trying to hold it to long? Possibly, but I seem to cough more from breathing out too quickly
    Will I just get better from practice? Yes
  3. Thanks, I will keep that in mind next time
  4. Pipes are known to be harsher than any other tool used for toking, cept maybe joints. This is all natural. Try pulling in at a slower rate.
  5. baby steps my man, first time i smoked i used a 2 footer (small now i look back). I figured i'm not getting high, I need MOAR SMOKE, so i milked it one good time and was coughin for 10 mins or so to the point where i had a headache and my jaw was hurting (spitting helps a lil bit in these situations).

    My advice, start with blunt/joints or bowls but like TokeTheToke said, they are harsh as hell, bowls that is. OR, just take small bong hits and work your way up to bigger hits. Soon you will be able to milk almost any bong by at least the 2nd or 3rd hit.
  6. I have a touch of asthma, I didn't know about it until I was well into this extended T break. Exercise, cold air, and smoke will set it off. I don't wheeze like you think of asthma, but the coughing can just go on and on.
    People were always asking me if I was ok after hitting a big bowl. Now I have an inhaler, I think it will fix me right up. :D Can't wait for the next time I have the occasion to instigate a hearty coughing fit!
  7. i would say the type and/or quality of whatever your smoking makes a big difference

  8. not when you're new you really won't be able to tell the difference unless it's schwag
  9. OP, your tolerance of the harshness of smoke will come over time... I really don't have that much of a problem even with pipes now.

    One thing that will help: when you feel it start to get harsh and you feel the burn in the back of your throat, let the carb go for about 2 or 3 seconds while lightly drawing air...if you think you can still take a little more, then just lightly tap the carb to keep the light goin and the smoke blowin....happy tokin.
  10. Some strands are know for having a harsher smoke than others, and then how those individual plants were cared for and dried. That's a elaboration on what I wrote
  11. #11 RepentYeNbelievethegospel, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2010
    Never hold smoke in your lungs for more then 5 seconds.
    Did you clean your piece thoroughly when you bought it? I dont mean with just water either.
    Smoke less. Take a couple of tiny hits, wait 10-20 minutes, see how you feel. and repeat at that rate.

    edit: In addition, ALWAYS remember to stay hydrated during AND after toking. Do some deep, relaxed slow breathing- in through the nose, out through the mouth to help warm up your lungs and clear your throat. Some sort of water piece would help tremendously as well.
  12. Take smaller hits. And also pipes are harsh on the throat. Use a bong and see how that goes. Helps to have something to drink too :)
  13. also, citrus really helped me at the start. And try to exhale before you cough. Coughing with the smoke in your lungs is far worse than just coughing. So after you toke if you feel the urge to cough exhale slowly and then try to get a fresh breath in before you let that cough out. Hope that helps
  14. its new so I didn't clean it

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