so lately my tolerance has been so high that i just dont get high enough to enjoy it as much as i used to, smoking became more of a habit than a conscious decision, sometimse i'd sit on my computer with my stash tin in front of me for 45 minutes or so before i realised i might aswell toke up. so here the plan (and background story): on 4/20 i toked up at 4.20am, double the 420 fun i took my dog out in the fields and toked up out there, almost exhausting what little weed i had left. while walkin baked out in the country i decided it was the time everyone dreads, time for a tolerance break. later at night i saw it was 11:57 and thought it wud be cool to finish my weed before 4/20 ended so grabbed my weed and finished it off packing one last bowl, put on some chillin music and toked up, finishing the bowl off just before the date turned. NOW, usually after finishin off my herb i'd call my dealer the next day and go pick up, this time i didn't, i was tempted, the day after 4/20 sucked, my first day clean. i kept tossing it over in my mind wether to call him or not, in the end i didn't. the next day was a little easier and now, april 24th, 2:30 AM i still havent toked. it would be so cool to stay clean for a MONTH, just thinking of the feeling of smoking that first bowl after that long, how fucked i'd be, it would be amazing. But at the same time, a month? a fucking month, 4 weeks, 30ish days, thats a long time for me not to smoke in, i have fridays off college and usually toke on them, i cant think how its gonna be sat there for friday and the weekend without being able to toke. it'll give me time to get my shit together, catch up on any work i have to do and just see how life goes for the month, i've eaten alot less junk food since stopping cuz of no munchies so i can see the positive effects, but man, its a long time to voluntaryily stop for knowing im just a phone call away and the only thing stopping me is my will power. So thats basically it, i will avoid the city i love for the month, or untill i give in, else its just gonna make it harder. hopefully the next post you see from me, i will be very mashed on some fine bud with no tolerance in a months time...i guess we'll see, wish me luck, goodbye for now, friends.
I quit for about 3 months or so. And am just now easing my way back into it. Its nice to get fried of a few hits. Good luck in your endeavor.
I've tried many times, and never get past a week. I'm always doing fine untill one of my buddies calls me over to blaze a fat session. I can quit as long as it's my weed but when someone offers me to blaze for free I just can't turn it down! It's about the two month mark till summer mind you, so I'm gonna try to quit again! I decided that this afternoon and I've already blazed once since then, but it's the same day so it doesn't count
i've been smoking very little the last 10 months (girlfriend) but now i'm getting back into it. its not hard to stop at all. the city on the other hand, is way too addictive
Yeah, its not hard. I quit for about two months when I was trying to get a job. The first day or two I was kinda iffy but after that it was a breeze.
well i stop occasionally for different reasons (sat's, ap tests, etc.) and at first it's kinda hard b/c falling asleep is super hard but that goes away after a few nights so it's not too bad.. it just sucks when all your friends are chillin or you're just chillin and you want to toke up but you know you want/need to stop for a while.. but yeah, stopping makes the next time you blaze up fucking awesome.. you get stoned so easily
go for it, it's almost refreshing every once in awhile "it'll give me time to get my shit together, catch up on any work i have to do and just see how life goes for the month, i've eaten alot less junk food since stopping cuz of no munchies so i can see the positive effects, but man, its a long time to voluntaryily stop for knowing im just a phone call away and the only thing stopping me is my will power." from that it sounds like a good idea too. When i take a break that's for a good amount of time it almost just puts me in a different mood, not even bad just different. it's good to take some time off every now and then.
easily. it just depends on if i want to or not. i quit for like 5 months a couple years ago, cause weed was messin' with my life some
I don't even know. I have been smoking daily for years and just dont know if I could stop. my tolerance is way too high but I manage to stay high. Im thinking about taking about a one month brake to save up and buy an ounce of dank, but I don't know if I'll do it.
I took a 32-day tolerance break before 4/20. I didn't get as blazed as I thought I would when I first smoked again. I really hyped it up in my mind though, and I had high expectations. It's nice to know you can quit when you want, it's a good test of self-control.
i like taking a break for a week or two every now and then. it's not a problem for me at all. i can sit here at the computer with my bong on the desk and a bag laying out and not want to smoke at all. it really is a good feeling knowing i'm not addicted. my buddy i smoke with all the time though...he's another story. he called me last night asking if i had any pot at all, because he couldn't scrape up enough off his coffee table to pack a bowl. i told him to chill and take the night off, and he goes "i can't. i have to smoke."
I kinda wish i could take a break. I dont know, I jus rather smoke then not smoke haha. Only time i take a break is when im broke/cant find none which isnt very often and if so not for long.