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Could use some help with weed vodka recipe

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by aaazack, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Due to several reasons I am unable to smoke, but consuming the herb is not a problem. I have messed around with edibles but man I like weed vodka the best.

    So in the past I have followed the recipe that says 1/4o of stems and then fill jar with vodka just enough to cover the stems.

    Well I am thinking of picking up an o or half o and using it all to make weed vodka (stems and the herb). I know that the herb is stronger, so the proportions would be different. I was thinking of breaking it all up, and then making 1 batch with all the stems using the proportions that I have previously used.

    Does anyone have any advise on proportions for herb to vodka?? any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. if its dank use like a quarter for a liter
    if its not use an o for a liter
  3. Lets say that .5grams is enough to get you high. And you want to take one shot to get high, youd obviously need .5grams of weed per shot so just use that to figure out how many fl oz's are in your bottle and accordingly, how much weed you should use
  4. i had a friend who did it by just buying a bottle of vodka and putting all the stems he got straight into in, he left it about a month i think and then drank it.

    i had some, it tastes disgusting, i recommend a powerful mixer.

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