Hey everyone, I'm a first time grower, its about 4 weeks old right now I didn't top or train it just to get a feel for the grow my first time around, I have a few questions though I'm doing natural outdoor growing i water it probably twice daily sometimes once but its supposed to be 100 degrees all week and not much wind is there something I should do for the heat or will it be okay in the weather, another question is a lot of the new growth seems to be a little slower growing is that normal and its already putting out scent, I was going to add more pics but I keep getting an error, well any tips or advice would be appreciated, thnks
Stick it in the ground and water less if possible. Powdery Mildew is a given outdoors and high PH water will keep that under control. 1 tablespoon of baking soda to a gallon of water. Drench spray once a week seedling to harvest. Caterpillars when flower starts in August with BT Thuricide once a week will keep them in check. BNW
I agree that she looks ready to be thrown in the ground or potted up. You could also apply an IPM of neem and silica as silica helps to strengthen cell walls and make plants more resistant to heat, drought, and pests. Covering the exterior of the black pot with something reflective to combat the suns rays may be helpful too.
Awesome thanks for the advice ill go ahead and plant her in the ground today and follow the tips yall gave me, I have a big pot to put her in but I might just go with the ground with this one and see how she does I have 2 more that I planted two days ago that I'm going to try topping and or training they'll be outdoors as well, I'm still trying to get the hang of the nutrient basis I've been using natural compost, I might try bought fertilizer on another one
I'd put her in a pot, big one too, that way you can move her to the shade if needed, or the sun if cloudy, or early 12x12?, water by weight, stop lift THINK:, to much water reduces size as does much stress looking good good luck
so long as it holds min of 31/2 gallons is ok but 5 gallons (20litres) is best in truth make it big, as the extra soils will insulate her from the heat grow bags are popular but many growers suffer the plant drying out once potted up keep her in the shade some hours to check for transplant shock ...IMO cheers
Nice looking plant. To reflect on some of things said above which is great advice. If your plant is outside and it rains,,, will you get to much water, or is it that you don't have proper drainage? For hydroponic growers there is no such a thing as too much water, because its not stagnate water. Water with little to zero oxygen is the problem ......... Your roots need oxygenated water or oxygen, nutrients, mineral at the correct PH Me I like adding in 40% sand, pea gravel, top soil Perlite in with your bagged potting soil. Next step in this learning curve is training the plant and setting trellis netting . best of luck
Thanks, all great advice, ill try the 40% sand, pea gravel, top soil Perlite you recommend, my current soil doesn't quite seem right, yah I'm looking forward to learn on training it and everything, eventually I want to get into indoor growing, maybey even hydro eventually its been pretty cool learning on growing it outside so far
Research super soils Shop subcool super soil recipe | Amazon® Official Site https://www.amazon.com/patiolawn/&garden Simple Super Soil Recipe 15% Vermicompost 15% Compost 30 – 40% Sphagnum Peat Moss or Homemade Leafmold 20 – 30% Small Lava Rock, Perlite, Buckwheat hulls, rice hulls, etc. something for aeration 5 -15% Topsoil (You can skip this if you are unsure of the quality of your topsoil) Awesome Super Soil Recipes - Updated 2023 - Paramount Seed Fa… www.paramountseedfarms.com/super-soil-recipes/
None of what you listed above are real soil mixes though, right? Because none of those mixes have earth in them.
Your Just looking for a argument ? 15% Vermicompost 15% Compost 30 – 40% Sphagnum Peat Moss or Homemade Leafmold 20 – 30% Small Lava Rock, Perlite, Buckwheat hulls, rice hulls, etc. something for aeration 5 -15% Topsoil (You can skip this if you are unsure of the quality of your topsoil
an argument? No. Trying to understand the point you've been trying to make is what I've been lost on. I explained this in the other thread which you conveniently didn't want to respond to.
I don't want argue with anyone including you. that's why I did respond . So what do you want to argue about ? why there is little to no soil in bagged potting soil. How to make super soil ? None of the links I posted before this did any good, and you still want hash this out again ?
The only reason I have posted about any of the bagged potting soil is to get people attention that most bagged potting soil has problems retaining water.... leading to slow growth and sometimes root rot. Always in my posts I talk about creating better drainage. Most bagged Potting do not have Dirt/earth//soil in them and if there is not rice halls then the plant doesn't get silica. Which is super important. 50% of all dirt earth/soil is silica... Dirt earth and soil with sand pea gravel and perlite give better drainage and minerals . ITS A WIN,WIN situation
You keep using the word 'ague' - I have not once argued with you on this topic or stated that I think you are wrong about something. I have only posed questions to you, asked for definitions, and tried to understand the point you were trying to make. I read everything you posted from those sites and I did learn that dirt is soil that's been moved from its original earthly location, which caused living organisms to die off....which is why its called dirt vs soil.
What I am trying to do is make sure the new growers understand that most bagged potting soil less soils need something added for better drainage. GC members Vee adds in 40% perlite, I add in 40% top soil sand and pea gravel. How can I explain why Potting soil needs better drainage and certain minerals if the grower doesn't know what is in potting soil ? When there is very little to zero soil in bagged potting soil or soil less soil as that's what they named it ? The name Potting soil is misleading IMO. If the bag of potting soil doesn't have rice hulls in it and there is no soil then the plant gets zero silica. And I know you are advocate Rice hulls because of its Organic silica. Because cannabis plants need organic or mineral silica plus other minerals