COuld this be God's work?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SixTimesThree, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Blades.. im stoned outta my mind right now and i just wanna write a story tht jusy happened :D

    I smoked like 25 minutes ago. no munchies. I was very happy. Then i saw a post my ex girlfiend posted on my facebook awhile ago... "I have a handful of oreos ^^"

    So out of noowhere... MUNCHIESSSS!!!!!! So i run upstairs craving oreos... but i know we dont have nay because noone in my family likes them and we never buy them. I go upstairs to see that my stepdad had just bought a pack of my favorite oreos :D

    I go to my room... munch munch munch... no oreos left. still hungry. im too lazy to go get more food when i realize a hostess creme filled cupcake was on my bed from last night that i never opened :D :D :D

    Now im happy :cool:

    Fuck yeh
  2. and the massive influx of food consequently brought you down from your high, and left you wondering, "was it necessary? did I really have to do what I did?"

  3. exxxxxxxactly
  4. cant be gods work man he/she is not real:)

  5. agreed

    real god is weed and yourself. so its definitely gods work :D did that make sense?
  6. NO!:mad:
  7. Haha inception.

  8. God is real. another atheist on grasscity how cute. does the weed get to you peoples heads?:smoke:

  9. oh... idk it then :D
    this is not a religious opinion thread. go to one for tht shit
  10. You know what they say, God works in mysterious ways ^_^
  11. Has a way of bringing out the logic in people.
  12. hahaha, I can already see the direction this puppy is headed.
  13. Prove it.


  14. :wave:

  15. prove it.
  16. and spare us the old prove he's not real routine.
  17. So uh.. I own a horse..
  18. I like to rape churches and burn women.

  19. Lol weed gets to my head. But I'm pretty sure it's suppose to.

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