Blades.. im stoned outta my mind right now and i just wanna write a story tht jusy happened I smoked like 25 minutes ago. no munchies. I was very happy. Then i saw a post my ex girlfiend posted on my facebook awhile ago... "I have a handful of oreos ^^" So out of noowhere... MUNCHIESSSS!!!!!! So i run upstairs craving oreos... but i know we dont have nay because noone in my family likes them and we never buy them. I go upstairs to see that my stepdad had just bought a pack of my favorite oreos I go to my room... munch munch munch... no oreos left. still hungry. im too lazy to go get more food when i realize a hostess creme filled cupcake was on my bed from last night that i never opened Now im happy Fuck yeh
and the massive influx of food consequently brought you down from your high, and left you wondering, "was it necessary? did I really have to do what I did?" at all But if you want to read about the adversary's work... Read this thread