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Could my weed be moldy? (With pictures)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Deleted member 1089538, Jun 28, 2019.

  1. I got an 1/8th of weed today and i noticed it has a distinct sweet kinda sour smell. Ive had the exact same smell on weed ive smoked before and i am wondering if the weed could possibly be moldy. The weed looks fine and i dont see any web on it.

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  2. Looks fine to me.
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  3. so then that sweet kinda sour smell is normal?
  4. I have no idea friend. I would be worried if it smelled like hay or horse piss or green grass.
    Maybe it’s the strain? It looks like a nice 1/8. How much do they run these days?

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