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could it be the weed or something else

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by johncoo6, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. right after my high was over a week or so ago i started to feel lightheaded and kindof dizzy this was different than being high and it wasnt my normal self this feeling hasnt went away and its been about a week or so but heres the catch, i started a new medication before this feeling started, which may be to blame its called adderall . i think this feeling is going away but its still there so im just thinkin i wanna smoke again but i dont want this feeling to continue if you have any advice it would be appreciated
  2. Addys *****.
  3. Yeah I'm thinking the medication...
  4. This kid has gotta be like 14 years old if he doesnt know what adderall is.

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