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Could I pass a drug test?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SkateAndBake, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. I hate to be one of these people making one of these threads but I wanted to hear GCs opinion on this.

    In the last 4 months or so I've smoked a handful of times. And I have been clean the last 3 weeks because I know I will need to get a job soon. I fucked up though and smoked yesterday, just a couple hits off a joint. Like I said though before then I had been totally clean for about 3 weeks. I know these things vary from person to person but what do you guys think my chances are?

    I will most likely have to drug test in about a week or two. If I stay clean and drink tons of water will I pass? Also heard you can buy a detox drink at GNC, anyone familiar with the one they sell there? I plan on drinking some sort of detox drink and a ton of water before I piss, what are some that are widely available?
  2. Yes you should pass.

    Clean for 3 weeks, then two hits from joint, then clean for another week or even two.. I would say you should pass but it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
  3. Ok so one yes, one no. I need more answers...

    Especially need to know whats a good widely available detox drink.
  4. You can use charcoal tablets also. Do some research on them. They may be what you are looking for.
  5. Go look up palo azul.
  6. Yes. I smoked all summer. Passed a drug rest by not smoking for four days and drinking a bottle of water a couple of hours before the test to be safe. But I took an at home drug test with first of the day urine after not smoking for four days and passed anyway (without attempting dilution). The bottled water was for extra security. However, I do have a daddy metabolism...

  7. Hi, I know that this isn't related to the topic, but this forum won't let me start a new topic for some reason. I was wondering if weed will still work if it no longer smells. I bought weed 3 days ago, and having super strict parents, I made every effort to hide it. At first it reeked, so I put it in a tin container, into a small stocking, and into a plastic jar. Now it barely smells at all, and I am worried that it won't get me high. It got me extremely high when I first smoked it, and I used less then half of it. It's AK-47 strain, if that makes any difference.
  8. You should post your height and weight because thc is fat soluble meaning it gets absorbed into your fat cells which explains why it takes longer than most things to get out of your system. I managed to pass a drug test at MEPS for the military when I smoked about 1 & 1/2 weeks before and that shit is one of the test that get sent to a lab, I'm 5ft 4 and weigh 120lbs. I worked out a lot and took niacin but if your thinking of taking niacin be careful it can lay your ass in the hospital if you take too much
  9. Yes it'll still get you high. and you can't make a new topic because I think you need at least 10 posts to make a new thread
  10. #11 SkateAndBake, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2013
    I plan on buying a test from the drug store to see where I'm at in about a week. I'm hoping I'll be clean before that but I've been trying to drink more water anyway and taking cranberry pills to cleanse my system and make sure my urine is filtering well. I'm mainly worried because I have a slow metabolism, doctor thinks my thyroid is off. I'm 5'5" about 160 pounds, but I'm also a curvy girl. Again, doctor thinks my thyroid is off because even when I was playing hockey 5 times a week I was still heavier.

    I've been reccomended the detox drink HerbalClean that comes from GNC but its $50 for one drink. Thats kind of crazy. I'm looking for something the common pharmacy would have at a decnt price.
  11. Imashark, dont hijack my thread! lol
  12. I took mine in a lab as well. I'm 5'8 & 120 though.
  13. You can use charcoal tablets also. Do some research on them. [​IMG]

  14. Girl, you're doing entirely too much. Lol. That's wasting money. A person who was an infrequent smoker in the first place and hasn't smoked in almost a month is good to go. Take an at home test and let me know the results. I'm sure you're fine. If anything, spend the 12 bucks at Walmart for the test and then you can buy your "Detoxes" & what nots..

  15. Oh okay thanks, and also will the smoke still smell even if the actual weed doesn't? I'm assuming it will, I just wanna make sure.
  16. Haha, not buying anything yet. I'm gonna buy a test and take that in a week and then we'll see about the detox drink. I'm just gonna be crazy nervous if I dont pass that test in a week...
  17. A week or two? That's hella time brother. I used to start flushing about 2-3 days before my urinalysis. I smoked everyday before that too..on the day of the test, I just dilute my urine by drinking gallons and piss 20 times. Finally I drink 2 cans of Monster or a ton of gatorade to get that color back into my urine so it won't look like I tried to dilute it.

    I'm thinking your test will be a strip test right? If they take your urine to the lab and it comes back diluted, just say you had to stay hydrated for sports or just to stay healthy and moist haha :D

    But you have a week or two to get clean..I could get clean 3 times in that amount of time and I'm not skinny, I've actually been gaining weight so I can lift more. I suggest you start exercising and burning some fat just incase. Go sweat your booty off and keep drinking but not too much. Cranberry juice, water, gatorade, its all goood

    I tried Niacin, which is a pill that detoxes your body in a couple hours, hurt like hell..literally thought I was burning alive, you can really feel the fucker for a few hours but I triple dosed it cause I'm a daredevil. This is something you take days before the urinalysis though so..this could be an option but take it easy on the dosage. Take a few and then go exercise to burn the pain away, along with some fat that has thc stored in it :D good luck

  18. you might not notice the smell if: your sense of smell may have developed a tolerance that breaks for really good stuff.

    or if: your weed has no smell, even then it will smell after combustion even if you claim to have no smell of it. although i have never experienced this, it may be true

  19. Why don't you purchase synthetic sterile urine, follow the directions, & pass the test? It goes for around $28.00 out here.

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