Could I have killed myself?

Discussion in 'General' started by bwitsne, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. The other day...

    When changing my spark plugs, I disconnected the battery terminals. But I was on my knees on the front grill of the truck and I accidentally took the ratchet and put it right on top of both terminals some how. I am usually very cautious of my surroundings when working, but this wasn't a thought in my heads... The sparks were enormous and I almost felt as if I weren't on the truck being grounded I would have electrocuted myself.

  2. yeah possible
  3. remind me to stay off the codones when working.
  4. Maybe you are dead? Did you think about that?
  5. ... inception. do you remember how you ended up here. think hard. why are you here right now.
  6. not enough voltage
  7. The current would have to run across you, like the + on one side to - on the other. Even then, you'd probably have survived. It takes quite a bit to kill somebody, even the electric chair took a few jolts to kill Ethel Rosenberg, and others who received it. But be careful, anyway.
  8. Reminder: stay off the codones when working
  9. I've done this 1000+ plus times and shocked myself everytime. I'm still typing, I don't think you had much to worry about. Its not the volts that kill you, its the amps.

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