Could i be getting sick?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Mfia, May 23, 2009.

  1. This was all on wednesday night.

    So i went over to my friends house to smoke out of his new three chamber bong.
    and when i got there, i noticed my other friend was there that had recently been getting some flu like symptoms.

    So i take a rip, not thinking if my sick friend hit it already or not. and just chill, and don't take any more hits after that cause i noticed my friend was a lot sicker than normal and he hit it after i did.

    So my question is, Could i get sick if my friend that is sick, hit the bong before i did?

    cause i woke up this morning with an upset stomach and a weird throat.
    I've taken Airborne and Vitamin C and got like 4 hours rest on top of the 8 i had last night.
    anything else i can do to prevent on getting this shitie ass flu thats going around?
  2. It's possible, as you put your mouth on something his was on earlier, and he was likely still contagious from what you described.

    But there's no guarantee that what he's got is transmissible, or that you're gonna catch it even if it is. Either of you could have food poisoning, allergies (it's allergy season HARDCORE right now), or some other issue going on. Weed is also known for irritating the throat and airways, so it could be that you just need to cut back for a minute.

    Regardless of the cause, you should do your best to stay healthy by taking a quality multivitamin/mineral supplement everyday, getting 8 hours of sleep each night, eating right, and practicing good hygiene (frequent hand-washing and not sharing drinks (or bongs) until flu season and allergy season are over, etc. And try not to worry! It's lowers immune function :)
  3. Yep it has happened to me, i will msoke with some poeple, not know if nayone if sick and wake up feeling under the weather the next day. Maybe you should carry around alcohol wipes, wipe the mouthpiece when you smoke with other people.

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