Well im on my way in to Manpower to do my final testing for GHSP( a plastics compant that makes shifters for cars) yea it'll be boring but its a job and i get paid 8.50 for 3 months then 12.50 after im hired in. I cant wait. I get swab tested today and i havent smoked in 3 days so i should be fine. Then Im moving out of my parents place(im 19) Ive been trying to forever but couldnt find a steady job and now ive found it. ITs gona be awesome.. Sorry just ranting.. Im off to Manpower. Could be challenge we just got 14" of snow yesterday and the roads are barely plowed. PEACE blades
Congratulations on the job bro! I'm not sure about you, but I definitely wouldn't be able to live off of 12.50 an hour. I make $29.75 before benefits and overtime and I'm strapped for cash.
Drive safe. My expedition hit a patch of ice and I was veering across, thank god it was a 4 lane highway and no one was in other lane.... Hope you get that job good luck!
I guess it just depends where you live. In NY and CA it might not be, but in Florida it is. Also, unless you've gone through some type of formal shooling or college, or worked for a company for 20+ years you aren't going to be making even close to that.
Ya I guess. It's only like 65k a year though... so above average... but not all that much. More than teachers and most people make.
I get paid a bunch of benefits too and make around 70k a year with benefits, without overtime. It's around $35-36 an hour with benefits included. Where I live, a one-bedroom bachelor pad will run you $1000 a month. Renting a house is $1500-2000 a month, depending on the quality of the home.
I went to college for two years too. Not bad, but mortgage payments, car payments, insurances, hydro, and the rest of the bills sure fucking add up.
Yea well for fresh outta high school i think its enough to get by. Im going to college in the Fall so hoping that works out. And im pretty sure i got the job so hell yea and dammmn its like 450-700$ for a 3 bedroom home per month
Average amount people take in is 20 an hr, 30 is above average, 40 is a decent living, 50 is damn im living comfortable... You pass the mouth swab? If so enjoy your new job