Huffie, You need to contact the support section of the City shop. However Reform MaryJane Laws and I have both already forwarded the emails you sent us to the support staff who has assured us it's taken care of. Check your email. Also, FYI. Reform MaryJane Laws and I are responsible for the forum side of things, nothing to do with the shop side. The support section should always be used for shop questions/issues.
duh!!!!, i wasn't thinking... i didnt' evenlook @ my reply after i typed it... i thought i copied and pasted the emails, sorry 'bout that! and indiana, sorry to bother you guys here on the forum side of things but, i wasn't getting newherer thru support section of website. thnx, 4 replying EDIT: to say have checked email and gotten reply from sacha,thanks to you guys, i appreciate it.