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coughing broke rib?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Frank_S, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. I had a nice coughing fit today and heard a pop and instant pain from lower ribs. It is five hours later and I cant breath with out pain and forget sneezing. Do you think it possable to break a rib from coughing to hard?
  2. go to the hospital
  3. Funny. That's what my wife said.
  4. she's a smart one ;)
  5. it's very possible, but you probably just bruised a lung or somethin like that. doubt you broke a rib, you would have went right away
  6. A few years ago I busted three ribs in two spots in a motorcycle wreck. It don't feel that bad but its close. It is tender to the touch also so I don't think it has anything to do with a lung. They don't even wrap you any more so I don't see the point in wasting my night in the waiting room to know if I broke it or not.
  7. Well if u don't wana go to the hospital .. I suggest taking an early nighter .. And see how u feel in the morning I guess... :mellow:
  8. Definitely possible to break a rib from coughing. Hospital bro

    Sent from four score and seven years ago
  9. Your lungs are stressed.. I dont see how a deflated lung can break a bone.
  10. Massage the area, maybe it's a tight muscle pulling on a rib.
  11. Is there black and blue marks? Can you see a dislocated bones through your skin? Be safe and get an x-ray to be sure.
  12. Nothing looks out of place but I cant take a deep breath with out bad pain. I may go to Dr tomorrow just for a picture. I am pretty sure its broke I have broke them before and I don't know if it makes a difference but I had open heart surgery two years ago and my sternum did not heal straight. I don't know but it hurts. Going to have to vape gently for a few days. Lol
  13. Coughing can cause a tear in the chest lining....will hurt for awhile...
  14. Yea this happened to me once. I sneezed and *pop*, hurt to breathe/move. Didn't figure out what happened exactly, but I did have a Dr. at the site check it out and tell me it wasn't broken. It took like 3-4 weeks to heal
  15. Unless you have cancer or some other disease that makes your bones weak - like osteoporosis - you probably haven't broken your rib from coughing.  :laughing:
    I mean, if the pain is persistent obviously go and get it checked out, but you've most likely just bruised something in that area through added stress on your lungs and chest from coughing. 
  16. You can fracture a rib from severe coughing.  Can also cause a hernia.
    If the pain is severe, get checked by a doctor.
    Cracked ribs can be taped at home and give some relief until it heals.  A rib fracture is not that big of a deal unless you have a punctured lung.
    If you tape yourself, pull it tight on the exhale.  After you have yourself taped with the medical tape, wrap up with an elastic ace bandage.
    That is your first lesson in combat first aid.  Hope it's your last.
  17. Sorry I got my first combat first aid lesson at fort Benning. :)
    Well, you must have been high that day.....on that fucking tower. :wave:   I hated Benning...almost as much as Polk.
  19. Yes, it's very possible to crack a rib from coughing, even if you're otherwise in good health. It can also cause a pneumothorax (air in your pleural space, so your lung can't expand fully), an inguinal hernia, or pleurisy. It has even caused ruptures of the diaphragm and bronchi. Obviously most of these aren't too common, but yes, you can break a rib from coughing alone. I've seen several people who did.
    Wrapping the chest isn't done for rib fractures anymore because it increases the risk of pneumonia. You won't be able to breathe deeply or cough out excess secretions or foreign matter, which while painful, is necessary to prevent pneumonia as well as atelectasis, collapse of your alveoli. If you have a pillow handy, holding it against your chest when you cough or sneeze can help (though not a lot, in my experience). The treatment for a rib fracture or two is pretty minimal really, just painkillers and recommendation to breathe deeply every couple hours, many will give the patient a spirometer to use for this. Ice packs can be helpful as well. Occasionally they do nerve blocks for pain control.
    You could have cracked a rib, you could have pulled a muscle in your chest wall. Pulmonary contusions will not cause tenderness to the chest wall (though the injuries usually alongside them from blunt trauma will), but symptoms like shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and possibly fatigue, rapid heart rate, and bluish skin discoloration due to hypoxia. They also typically take several hours to develop, unless very severe. So it doesn't really sound like that's your case.
    If you start having shortness of breath or other symptoms, or the pain increases, you'd be best to go to an ER or urgent care, just to rule out something more serious like a small pneumothorax. They can also prescribe you stronger pain medication if over the counter NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.) aren't cutting it.
    Hope you feel better soon, blade.
  20. Thanks for the reply. I have been using the pillow they gave me after my hearts surgery to cough. And that's what I thought as far as treatment went. I had a problem with pain killersand refuse to take them now so I don't see any reason to go to er. My lungs feel fine.

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