Cough up resin>Drink alcohol>Cured?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by 420rowdyguy, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. This high idea just popped into my head a second ago...

    Seasoned smokers once in a while go through a period where they hack and cough up black resin and mucous from their lungs and throat.

    If you drank high proof alcohol would it dissolve some of the resin in your throat?

    If you can clean a pipe with alcohol I don't see why it wouldn't clean your throat.

    I know it won't do anything with the lungs.

    What's your thoughts?
  2. Woah I've never even Heard of that. From weed? Or tobacco?
  3. That would only make it worse. Your throat is not made out of glass and I assume you would not be shaking salt and alcohol in your throat.
  4. It only works if you use rubbing alcohol, try it!
  5. That wouldn't work the "resin" isn't in your throat but it's in your lungs. This happened to friend of mine a few times because we smoked heavily in high school (like 3 times a day minimum) and the most popular method back then was blunts and I think we would occasionally inhale tiny resin particles. All you can do is wait for your lungs to regulate themselves by hacking up mucous when it builds up and cut back on smoking from unfiltered devices.
  6. yeah. drink distilled water, a gallon a day!
    or maybe acid from coke or pespsi?
    there's herb pills out there for lungs!

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