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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by IfutureI, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. what are some ways to fend off cottonmouth ?
  2. Ice cold water for me, if not some soda or something, I don't really care about cottonmouth that much because I just care about munching away :)
  3. keep drinking water and get a snack or something but NOT cheezits, chips, or any dry crunchy stuff, they are impossible to swallow if you have bad cottonmouth and it really sucks if this happens...
  4. gummm, lifesavers, cough drops,

    any hard candies

    of course water
  5. i love me some Gatorade man. i cant blaze without some sorta drink to kill tha cottonmouth.
  6. gatoraid is your friend
  7. before you begin your session get your favorite drink

    one day i found some frozed strawberries, lemons, sugar, and a whole lotta water.
  8. Arizona Tea

  9. Code Red Mountain Dew
  10. arizona rx herbal tonic

    monster khaos
  11. haha last time i had it i drank a 2 liter bottle of coke out of the bottle :hello:
  12. fruit. strawberries are the best, they water your mouth right up. peaches also
  13. watermelon arizona tea. and it's only 99¢

    Attached Files:

  14. watermelon arizona is great too :)
  15. Arizona tea all the way

  16. +1! I love it :D
  17. Good lookin out people
  18. has anyone tried drinking like a bottle or two of water before you toke so that your hydrated? would that maybe prevent cotton mouth or no?
  19. that never worked for me

    but then again, i dont always get cotton chops
  20. if you take a nice swig of drink right after you're done with your hits, that tends to not let the smoke linger in your mouth, which has helped me from ever getting cotton mouth.

    But hell, i salivate when i smoke, so while everybody else is drinking to get rid of dryness, i'm drinking so i can swallow all the spit i make haha..

    God thats gross. Don't read what i just posted. :p

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