Cotton mouth

Discussion in 'General' started by SouthernBaked, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Is there a cure!!!??!!?!
  2. always carry a drink when u smoke
  3. Gum. Starbursts. Cough drops.
  4. I heard semen does the trick
  5. yeah its called brush your fucking teeth!!!!
  6. I brush my teeth I just don't wanna do it every time I toke ,but yea starburst and liquids work for me but not water.
  7. I bought this bottle of expensive dry-mouth mouthwash... didn't work.
  8. I always get a big water bottle to sip on furiously while I get high. Having to pee every 30 minutes sucks, but its better to have a paranoia free high
  9. I always get a glass of water or other beverage of choice and put it where I'm going to be sitting before I go out to toke.

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