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Cost of Marijuana 40 Years Ago?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Drizzlehell, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. My father is 64 years old and has been smoking weed since 1963. He tells me he used to get Columbia Red Bud for $50 an ounce. He says back then border patrol wasn't as harsh during the 70's and 80's but since 9/11 prices of Marijuana have gone up due to more USA grown rather than imported. I think everything cost less than today in the 60's due to our dollar's value.
  2. I think your opinion on it may be the most accurate. Costs have gone up because EVERYTHING related to weed has gone up. Seeds, growing, chemicals, risks, punishments, legal fees, etc. On top of that, I've brought up the fact often here before that you cannot accurately obtain the price of weed from any single source, which is why it is almost pointless to discuss any pricing here.

    It's almost impossible when you consider all the factors that go into pricing (strain, quality of bud, availability, greed factor or "profit margin" of dealer ,etc, etc, etc.).

    That's pretty awesome though that your Dad has been smoking for that long. Curious, if he doesn't smoke cigarettes or have any other physically harsh vices (alcohol), how does he feel physically after 45+ years of smoking? Has he found it has benefited his overall health over the years? I've often wondered about the effectiveness of weed for a daily smoker as preventative medicine too, so I wonder if he found himself not getting sick as often (on average) over the years too.
  3. I also agree, I think you've got the most realistic answer. He is on to something though because transportation has become a lot harder in the recent years. Not due to 9/11 specifically but that incident did tighten the Americas up a lot. Still though weed makes it to every state & province by the plentiful so we have no real worries.

    TokenITguy is also right, pricing discussion is only useful locally & not online. The dealer point is the biggest, because even the ones getting it for the cheapest could be charging the most just for the money. It's all a game when it's not legal.

    Back in the 60s and 70s people smoked some pretty schwaggy bud (mostly), but they also grew it openly. The tricks and materials to do these things weren't available, whereas in today's world it's all at your finger tips (literally, look at GC!). The world was hardly developed back then and population has since doubled.
  4. #4 DankSeeker, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    I've been token since '71. In Michigan where I grew up an oz. of "flower top", which was seeded schwag by todays standards was $15.00. Columbia Red and Gold, Acapulco Gold, Thai stick and a few other landraces as they are known by today, would fetch $25 to $30. Everything came with seeds and stems.
    Can't remember when I first got a hold of sensi, but it a few years later ... 3-5.
    I did a lot of other drugs in my youth, but my mainstay was pot. Even smoked cigarettes for 25 years.
    I did quit all substances for a few years, but have come back to token and it's pretty much all I do anymore.
    I've never had any lasting ill effects from it's daily use, other than a bit of a heavy chest, because I choose to smoke rather than vape. My respirtory system feels better than when I smoked cigarettes, though. And I know any effects smoking pot has on my lungs is not permanent and is reversible by quitting smoking for a few days. I would still vape or at least do edibles.:hello:
    I have had some positive benifets medically from smoking, but that's another story...
  5. Wheres OSG when you need him :rolleyes:
  6. Two bits a gander
  7. i have a hippie book and it said weed was 25 bucks an oz. but they showed a pic of it and it looked sooooo shitty.
  8. A penny mofo.
  9. 75-77 prices; Swag was about $10, mexican 10-20, Gold varieties, Hawian and Jamacian about 40, 1 Thia stick 10-15. All prices per ounce except the Thia stick (and no seeds with that).:smoke:

    Yeah a lot of it looked like crap, but some varieties (especially the sensi versions of those strains) were as good as you can find today.:smoke:
  10. According to my dad an ounce was about 15 dollars when he was in high school. This is somewhere around 1968.
  11. It's all just inflation, back in the sixties and seventies a 20 dollar bill was very hard to come by. Now $20's are the new $1.
  12. And a new corvette was about $5,000 or so :D
  13. Very true in 72 I earned a mans wages in a potatoe house for $20 a day. Usually 7 - 5, but where I grew up and the year, that was good money. i think a soda was still under or around 20 cents. What is now a 99 cent bag of chips was a dime or 15. :smoke:
  14. I agree. It's all the same prices, but the value of little money was higher back then than it is now.

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