Cosmic Awareness

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by budsmokn420, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Home

    The first link is a link to the main website. The second link is to a PDF file of various channelings from this "cosmic awareness". This change my life forever.

    - peace, joy, love, and light
  2. read a quarter of it before i couldn't help but to question the random star trek reference and other things throughout the paper.

    i guess we will see what happens?
  3. I shall indulge in this website/article thing tomorrow when I am not tired as fuck. Good Looks homie.
  4. Oh it is :)
  5. ill be sure to check this out later. its 7 am here and i havent slept so yeaaaa...thnx for the post I love stuff like that :p
  6. You're welcome guys. Some might not agree with it, but it's worth the read nonetheless. Personally, I resonate with every single word...well not every word but moat of it lol

    - peace, joy, love, and light

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