Correcting Problems with Your Mind

Discussion in 'General' started by shambala, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. If we put our mind to something, like focusing on a nail head while hammering for example; We'll get better as it the more we do it. I think if we apply this same strategy to our bodies, which is made up of the same compounds and atoms as plants and animals, we can heal ourselves. It you have a back ache or a muscle ache, don't think about how much it hurts or how miserable it might make you feel. Be thankful it's not any worse than it is. I find people complain a lot, when in reality it could be so much worse.

    I'm beginning to believe that the whole solution to World Peace is just random acts of kindness. It's been proven that positive thoughts are much more powerful than negative ones (check it out). They make you feel better, which makes others around you feel better too. Then it spreads like wildfire (theoretically of course).

    I personally have begun to deliberately think positive thoughts much more, and I have really felt good about who I am and I'm sure it works. Here are two examples:

    1) Instead of just hoping to get laid last Friday, I believed that I was going too. And it happened. I'm going to apply this same strategy for going on Wed night.

    2) At work today (in an urban Intensive Care Unit), another nurse, Kevin, went out of his way to help a nurse, Jasmine, who was having a busy day. This kind of thing is rare in this particular ICU, and I think it's because I spent a lot of time with the nurse who was busy.
    Long story short, Jasmine was feeling down early on in the morning and I told her that she is smart and just tried to think positive thoughts instead of worrying, things will get better. Things were still busy for her, but her attitude about it had changed noticeably. Anytime I saw Jasmine she was smiling or laughing while helping patients and others. Kevin worked real close to Jasmine and realized how busy he was, and I think he also noticed that both her and I were having a pretty good time working with each other. Soon Kevin becomes involved in both Jasmine and I's workday, helping us tremendously by preparing one of Jasmine's patients for transport while she was already on transport with another patient. When we got back from that first transport and saw her other patient ready, it was a great feeling, and I think it spread through everyone nearby.
  2. it is not about believing, or positive visualization. It is however all about your attitude and response as well as receptiveness

  3. Well said. Changing how we view and respond to things creates drastic change.
  4. Be the change you want to see in the world. Seems as though you've picked up on that though :smoke:
  5. i have always believed, and i still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.
  6. Very interesting im going to try to be more positive.
  7. I really like this. this is spot on with how I have been feeling lately. I've been trying too be more positive about everything and it seems that when I do, things just happen too be more enjoyable. I'm subbing too this thread, and also how do I rep you? I'm on the mobile version and have no idea.

  8. This theory would hold more weight if you are hideously ugly, which I have a feeling you are not. ;)

    Thoughts alone, change nothing. It's a nice thought, though. (no pun intended)
  9. You can do anything you set your mind to

    You manifest your own destiny

  10. Thanks buddy, and not sure about using the mobile version. I'm actually downgrading to a flip phone soon.

    Be the change you wish to see in the world; Manifest your own destiny; You are what you make yourself to be.

    I'm glad a lot of you agree with me on this to some extent. I like to think if people could see how easy it is to change how they are feeling just by shifting your attention from bad to good, it would all be lovely. I hope you all are thinking positive thoughts :)

  11. I'm still fresh to philosophy but:

    Positive Visualization creates a sense of well-being, self-worth, and happiness. As a result these feelings create a positive attitude which increases your likelihood to respond/receive positively. Positive responses/receptiveness creates positive opportunities/circumstances, benefiting yourself and others more.

    Eh, I tried.

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