Reaction: Supreme Court's campaign finance ruling - NewsFlash - Supreme Court Blocks Ban on Corporate Political Spending - SOooooo, wait. Cant Obama veto this? because for fucking real this is bull shit. Corporations can now give money openly (because they were already doing it before but it was harder at least) to campaign funds. This is realllllly bad news guys. Thoughts? devils advocates?>
1st, Why the hell would Obama veto this, its gonna help him get re-relected(If...) 2nd, no, the president cant veto a supreme court decision/
... Can the President veto a supreme court decision? Jesus Christ, no he can't. Before forming political opinions, learn how the government works. Right now you're making yourself an intellectual slave, letting others do the thinking for you.
I say we have a law that all the campaign funds are the property of the IRS when the politician "retires" vs the cash becoming their own. And the politician can not work for any entity that contributed to his campaign funds, for 10 years, then they can work for the contributor. This would STOP the cash flow from influencing our politicians.
I like the 2nd part the not being able to work in any form for corporations after ending a political career if said corporation gave you any money. but the 1st part would just allow the politician to still get cash that could potentially sway the way they vote on laws or write laws or what not.
ummm I'm pretty sure people learn by forming ideas/questions and having those ideas questions broken down or about you just not be a prick? I think that works.
Thats some bullshit right there. No politician would oppose it. Wonder what its going to do for minimum wage in the future.
He is exactly right, 10 people with 10 billion dollars will have more political influence than a million average americans. And if the people with the money get to decide, well shit were looking at going back to feudal times and I don't wanna be a serf!
corporations pay campaign funds politicians do what the corporations say because the corporations paid for their campaign. No more wage increases starting, yeah now I guess.
What next "Coca Cola- the Official White House beverage ".. Ladies and Gentlemen may i present to you The President of The United States of America brought to you by Wal-Mart in association with Philip Morris tobacco, Barack Obama...
No. The President doesn't have the power to veto the Supreme Court. But it makes a lot of sense. Corporations now have the power to campaign independently of a candidate. Imagine the leverage lobbyists will have when they can sit down with a Presidential candidate and tell them that five Fortune 500 companies have pooled their money for a multibillion dollar ad campaign, and that that campaign can either be in favor of said candidate, or against. Until now they've been able to woo politicians with gifts and campaign contributions and suchlike, but this gives them a much more sinister power over the political process. According to all the case law up to this ruling, corporations are legal fictions which should not receive the full rights of a normal citizen, since it has no actual physical existence and is a legal fiction for business purposes. This is a pretty dramatic reversal.
20. Secret Control of the Presidential Debates | Project Censored They already control the campaigns. All details of presidential campaigns and debates are decided ahead of time by a joint agreement between the two parties' candidates and leaders. Things too unsavory are never brought up by the press more than willing to take the millions in advertising money by both the candidates and the huge multinationals primarily constructing our (government's fascist control of the economy)/(corporations' subvertive control of the government). The Federal government itself is the entity that makes the shots. Not the democrats or the republicans or the individuals comprising them. It acts as its own much as a corporation acts as its own citizen. Control is control and it will never change no matter who has it.
1) I repeat myself, but this legislation went so far as to permit the banning of books about political candidates from being published. If you support this legislation you are supporting the banning of books 2) We live in the single most educated country in the history of the world, with near total access to the internet, providing access to almost all information that exists with just a few keystrokes. Why is it such a scary thought that voters might be permitted to make up their minds for themselves?' So let's say a company spends a million dollars campaigning against a certain candidate. The campaign is fully capable of responding, and people are fully capable of researching to find out what is really going on. 3) It seems that, as with most liberal projects, there is an inherent need to control what the 'common man' reads, sees, and hears in order to get them to vote 'properly'.
People in the single form are smart, and can think...people as a group, are mindless sheeple that will believe anything a politician says...this is how the corps like it...