Cornfield Question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Nocto, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. Anyone have any idea around what time farmers usually spray their cornfields in the midwest? . I will be starting a fukload in the my brush field spot then when its time to go into the ground, put the extras that dont fit there in da corn. any other suggestions that pertain to cornfield growing are encouraged.:smoke:
  2. It depends on lattitude nocto. The higher the lat, the later they spray. generally its late may, but it really depends on the farmer

    2 things can help

    1. Look for areas in the field that didnt get spray. When farmers/applicators turn, they miss spots. They are indicated by the growth of small weeds growing in it which wouldnt happen if it had been sprayed. They are usually at the end of the field or near unplowed areas. Look around for weed growth - signs that spraying didnt occur.

    2.In fields where im worried about herbicides, i will take 2 gallons of potting soil for each plant and i dig a 2 gall hole and put my plant in it. By the time the roots have grown beyond the 2 gallons of soil, the roundup has disipated. I bag of Miracle grow will start about 10 plants.
  3. cool bruh thats what i need to know i can figure it out what spots are good.yea i have a shit ton of my own little mix of MG organic choice, perlite, dolimitic lime, and EWC that ill use.

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