CornCob Pipe Tutorial

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Charles P, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. #1 Charles P, Nov 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2012
    Here's the things you'll need,
    A saw,
    a drill,
    dried corncobs (in this instance I use holiday corn),
    a stem,
    and some patience

    First, remove the top if not done so already,


    Second, remove about an inch to an inch to two inches of corn, exposing the cob.


    Then you can cut your section


    Now you gotta hollow out the bowl. You can make it as wide as you like or as narrow as about a half inch.


    It should look a little something like this,


    Now you have to drill the hole for your stem. Find a bit that's the slightest bit smaller than your stem. For my stem, I got a downed branch and drilled a hole through it. That can be very tricky, but I've heard of people using colored pencils and bamboo reeds if you wanna go that route.


    You should get a side whole just about the bottom of your bowl that looks like this,


    Now it's very important that you taper the edge that you insert into the pipe, that way you can get a good hit,


    And that's all she wrote. Happy Holidays, and post a pic of your CornCob Pipe if you decide to try this out. You can also ask any questions you might have.


    Edit: I fixed the images.
  2. images are dead/
  3. On that app and can't see pics :\.

    It's cool that you made your own. I'm too lazy though... you can get corn cob pipes at Walgreens for like, $3.

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