Hey gc, so i put a hole in the wall on the otherside where the outlet was to try and flip it to the other side and i ended up just messing it up. So now that i have no available outlet, i need something cordless. Does anyone no of any cordless growlights or anything that i can use? thanx in advance.
ha no, i saw a thread somethin like this and i cant find it now. He had a light that was kinda like a big flashlight or some shit.
O ya that woudnt work for me. thanx for the reply though. Does nebody no of anything that would work?
contact an electrician, or try to find someone who has installed outlets to add an outlet to the room. you could get a bunch of 6V batteries and a good sized solar panel to power some flourescents but that's about the only "wireless" lighting you can get...candles aren't bright enough and have the wrong spectrum.
How many of these would u need for one plant,http://www.stickupbulb.com/?directLoad&uid=B75CD058F5D8DEFE628A778BAE0EE634, ik this is a dumb question nd they prolly wont work but jw.
LOL, just close out of that site right now. each of those bulbs produce 35 lumens... your average 40w CFL produces 2650 enough said