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Cops in California

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blunt Ashez, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. I was always paranoid about cops even though I'm from California. A couple of days ago me and a homie smoked down a 1.5 gram blunt. Both of us smoke about 1-2 times a week, so no real tolerance. We couldn't have picked a worse location. In the middle of the apartments with security prowling around, and random cop cars everywhere. We finished the blunt, and as we're walking, we notice there was a cop car there the entire time. The cop car was about 50 feet from where we blazed. I'm positive I wasn't just paranoid, because we got really high. In about 5 minutes, we saw 7 security guards, a manager, and 2 cops. All of these people were at max 10 feet away from us. It was quite obvious how high we were.

    TL;DR/Conclusion: Cops from California really don't give a fuck if you smoke bud, as long as you aren't a nuisance:smoke:
  2. get mmj card:wave:
  3. I come from an old school type of family, and parents finding out I smoke is the last thing I need atm. But for the future, that's something I'll definitely get.
  4. Yeah the cops can be cool about weed. I once got searched and I was sure they knew I was stoned and I knew they felt my lighter and my little stash box but they let me go.
  5. They wont know you have your card unless you tell them (or if you are a minor). :smoke:
  6. I had a bitch ass of a cop search me before though. Asshole kept on searching me for anything illegal or evens suspicious. Ended up finding eye drops, I just told him its for my contacts.
  7. There are a few cops who are dicks in Cali. I've never been caught smoking cuz I'm smart about it, but I've had a few friends who got tickets. They weren't being smart though and were blazing in obvious places. Oh well, 100$. Who gives a shit, just means less for bud!
  8. As long as we stoners keep it peaceful, we aren't seen as a threat.

    It should be encouraged to respect people more, gives us a better face, which in turn would help stoners.

    It's the ghettos that make stoners look bad, half the rappers and rockers glorify cannabis in a bad way.

  9. precisely
  10. i got caught up with an oz on me and i was allowed to keep still wondering why people want it legalized haha theres no need to get the government involved with the sales of this lovely plant
  11. Smoke Inside house. Lock Doors windows shut curtains blinds ect. nothing to worry about smoke down with no worry's.
  12. Why can't you get your card now?

    Cops in California do care haha believe me! Most of them just don't want to deal with it.

  13. People want it legalized because in about 90% of the United States you'd get arrested, your car impounded, a year of probation, and about $1500 in fines. Plus lawyer costs.
  14. yep, not everybody lives in california.

  15. You're right, they should keep arresting people for minding their own business.
  16. [quote name='"sk8njam"']i got caught up with an oz on me and i was allowed to keep still wondering why people want it legalized haha theres no need to get the government involved with the sales of this lovely plant[/quote]

    Oh how I wish that the Government wouldn't get involved!!

    But unfortunately they're involved either way. I'd rather have them involved in a legal way, than have them beating, killing, and jailing innocent people. You're lucky you were allowed to keep an oz, but unfortunately not everyone else was as lucky, and cannabis legalization isn't all about you.
  17. [quote name='"purplemudkip"']

    People want it legalized because in about 90% of the United States you'd get arrested, your car impounded, a year of probation, and about $1500 in fines. Plus lawyer costs.[/quote]

    Sounds like you guys think I was talkin bout legalization across the country....I'm just talking bout california....fuckin RELAXXXXXXXXXXX hombres

  18. Dude, if your 18 it shouldn't matter.

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