So last night my friend had a party, him and 2 other people went up to the liquor store to get some supplies. Well, friend 2 went up the road to get a quarter Oz, he already had hash on him. All of a sudden, you riot van, two police trucks, and an undercover go right up to where he was going. Everyone was like. 0_0 Fuckin hell. So we called him no one picked up and then we find out he got arrested. We come to terms that he's going to jail. Anyways, we go back to the party. Everyones having fun and around 12am, he just comes walking in like nothing happened. He showed us his prisoners rights slip and all this shit. I forget what else he said and how he got out. Around 12:30 some bitches mom comes and calls the police. Police come, we hid all the bottles and threw everything in the trash. They come and search everyone. Me and 5 others saw the police before they turned into the gate, so we booked it the opposite way and chilled in a park for about 45 mins. everyone got searched, my friend was acting like an asshole to the cops blowing a black and mild in his face and just being a smart ass in general. anyway. fuck police. all this over a plant. And a big drug bust over a quarter Oz. fuck the police. I used to be the one with respect for them out of my group of friends as I wanted to be a cop. But fuck that. They're bossy and act like they own the fucking world.
say that when im breaking down your door in a bullet proof kevlar suit with an appetite for rape and my sights set on your family.
theres like two sexual assaults on boys per year where i live and im 18, no one wants old meat. they like fresh meat. but let me rephrase that. fuck the narcotics depo.
Bored suburban cops... I got put in cuffs because they thought there was MJ residue in my car at my feet... It was brush. I sang never gonna give you up while they searched my car.
They have a tendency to feel the need to be all rough and tumble about it. Never quite understood why, those things are restricting.
haha Im worried that this will happen to me because well lots of shit falls off my work boots when I get in my car and well some of it could look like weed to a cop. I keep my car messy and full of shit so if they do wanna search for some reason it's gonna be alot more work for no results. I never drive with anything one me while stoned.
my friend called me for a ride from a house 4 blocks away from his moms. pull up and right as i do a cop drives by.. real slow.. he gets behind me like a block before were there and pulls me over as i turn onto his street he didn't do anything, no tickets nothing, i have nothing on my car i did nothing wrong. simply to fuck with us.
Cops love to flex their authority and try to make everyone fear them. The majority of them are nothing but a bunch of power-hungry cock suckers.
I agree alot with the guy above me. like this instance when I got kicked out of my house because of a possession charge, and my pops had to come pick me up and call the cops so my mom couldn't say that he kidnapped me (since he lived out of state & my mom's crazy) and the cop was a total dick head. my mom said all this bullshit to the officer about me and then the officer informed her how she could beat her kids without leaving marks, got to love the cops right?
Depending on where you live, if you shoot and kill an intruder you can go to jail for a lonnnng time.