copper pipe

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by buksaw, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. i made a copper pipe and it has a socket as a bowl, ive heard that smoking from copper is bad but the copper part never even gets warm, would this be safe to use?
  2. Nope, neither the socket, nor the pipe are safe. Discard them and save yourself some future trouble from having heavy metal deposits in your body.
  3. If you really want a metal pipe you can easily buy one for less than 10 dollars t a local headshop. I don't know if it is any better than your current situation, but at least you don't have to question yourself if the pipe is extremely harmful.
  4. i understand the copper bieng unsafe but what makes the socket bad?
  5. I would buy a new pipe but i have no money and some lowlife stole my glass piece, also i cant roll worth a crap.
  6. Well I would use that one you made for now but you have to understand that copper sockets that you buy for hardware are meant for hardware. The make up of the piece is not a 100 percent copper and most likely has other alloys in it, but because it is mostly copper, that is the reason they can label it as a copper socket.
    I assume that the metal pipes you can buy from a head shop have more favorable ratios of metal because it is intended for human usage.
  7. it isnt a copper socket, it is a regular steel socket as the bowl and a copper pipe as the actual body of the pipe
  8. i heard smoking from copper can give you lock jaw
  9. thats what i heard to but only if you get the copper hot, the copper piece on my pipe never comes into contact with heat.
  10. From my experience with some metal smithing, I know that there really are only a few commercially sold metal parts that are completely what they are. Since it is steel, and because it resists heat differently, you may be safer than with a copper socket but again as it was said before, there are chances of metal deposits forming in your lungs over longer periods of time.

    In my own opinion, that can hold you off till you get some more money to buy a new piece, but I would not recommend that for long term usage, get a more reliable piece.
  11. thnx for you opinion but there is no such thing as a copper socket, so i dont know how credible your metal smithing experience is. but thanx anyways
  12. my bad but technically that is a beryllium copper socket
  13. lols.:p
  14. Listen.... it's not good to start off a relationship by being cocky. You have 7 posts, just came to the city, asked our advice, yet are trying to shoot holes in all the information and options we're giving you.
    Don't ask for help if you don't want it.
  15. looks like that coppers going to his brain :eek:
  16. You can buy a bowl/pipe from any LHS usually for $20 or less...please just save up a little bit of cash and buy a dece glass much easier and healthier.

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