cop trouble, could use some good advice

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Moseley66, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. So on july 5th i rode down to the beach with a few friends, we took 2 cars, mine and another girl's. Before i left, i got a call from my guy wanting to sell an o for cheap so i took him up on the offer, knowing that everyone with me smokes and would love to have some buds to carry with us to make our trip even sweeter. So I got the o, stashed it in the bottom pouch for the rain cover of my brand new camelbak backpack, and set off to meet my friends. After we spent the day on the beach and had our nighttime fun, we were looking for a place to stay for the night so we decided to head into town and stay in a motel. We hop in our cars and head out (the girl and three friends in her car and me alone in mine) with me following her because i didnt know where i was going. Well as soon as we get over the first bridge, i see blue lights flash on in my rearview mirror and i swear my heart skipped a beat. But, i quickly remind myself that he cant be going for me because i havent done anything wrong and switch to the left lane to let him pass by (my guess is hes either going for someone in front of me, or the girl im following). He follows me over -fuck- i switch back into the right lane to look for a place to pull over and after what seemed like another 10 minute drive, i found a safe spot to pull over at a intersection with the road i was on and a neighborhood across from a well lit piggly wiggly.

    I grabbed my license and registration to try and make things go a little smoother and wait for the cop to come to my car. As soon as he gets to my window he bangs his index and middle finger knuckles on the window (and i mean bang, im honestly surprised the guy didnt break the glass) and immediately commands me to step out of the car. This throws me off instantly and it made me even more nervous, as im stepping out of the car, the next few moments go like this:

    Cop: Have you been smokin any marijuana tonight son?
    Me: No sir
    I attempt to close my door and as im pushing it shut, the cop grabs the top part of the door and stops it from closing and shuts it partially so he can open it up again (obviously i didnt want to have a "push of war" with a cop, so i refrained from exerting any sort of physical resistance to him).
    Me: I deny you the right to search my vehicle.
    Cop: Do you have any marijuana in the vehicle or anything on you i should know about?
    Me: No sir. I then raised up both my arms and let him search me and my pockets. As hes searching me, we continue to talk.
    Cop: What took you so long to pull over?
    Me: Sir, at first i didnt think you were targeting me, and then i had to wait until i saw a safe place to stop... pause....
    Me: May i ask why you pulled me over officer?
    Me: okay
    Now, after all that bs, he finally asks for my license and registration, tells me stand behind my truck and walks back to his car to check up on all that bs. When he gets back out, im expecting a warning or a ticket but instead he walks right past me and straight to my truck and begins to just tear my truck apart. While hes searching, i grabbed the grinder which for some reason i had in my truck bed, and for some reason i threw it under my truck, not wanting to add any more trouble to what im already going to get. I heard a loud metal clink and thought i was fucked, but he didnt hear it. He searched the front row of seats a good 15 mins before he comes back to ask me again if i have any marijuana because hes still smellin "fresh marijuana" in there. I deny and goes right back to searching but starts on the backseat where both my bags are which has the o and my two bowls in it. After just 5 mins he starts walkin back and i think im fried cuz he found the pot, but he just asks again if i have any marijuana on me, come clean now and well go easy blahblahblah yea fuck you pig. I deny and he goes back and sits in his car until a second cop pulls up. Im thinking its the k9 unit and im fucked so im just peakin my head over the first car tryin to spot a dog in the back seat, like itll somehow make things better... luckily, THANK GOD, it was just another pig.

    They both start searching my truck for another good 20 minutes until finally one comes back with a roach that i hadnt told them about because honestly, i completely forgot about the roach i had in my ash tray from worrying so much over the ounce. I apologize and they dont say anything but thats all i hear about. After searchingi for a few more minutes they write me a ticket for careless operation of motor vehicle and tell me how lucky i am and try to guilt trip me by saying some shit like what if you had killed someone or how would you feel if someone else in my position wasnt so lucky and killed my one of my family members. Just abunch of bullshit. Meanwhile, i'm 100%sober and flying higher than a fucking jet. As im about to leave, a third cop pulls up and they all start talking right behind my truck. The only thing going through my mind is that as soon as i pull off, there gonna see my shiny metal grinder in their headlights and pull my ass over for some bullshit felony possesion of paraphanalia or somethin like that so i just pull into the neighborhood beside me, take a bunch of wild turns, park and hide in the bushes for 30 minutes until my girl came and picked me up.

    So long story short: I was pulled over with enoughyou marijuana on me to land me a felony and had my vehicle searched after i denied him the right to search. He found both my bowls and a roach, confiscated the roach, and wrote me a 354 ticket for "careless operation of motor vehicle". I am going to traffic court tomorrow to try and get it reduced and am asking my fellow blades for any help and advice i can get.

    My main worry is that they will try to hold the roach over my head like blackmail to get me to eat the full 354 of the ticket, but im wondering if they can even legally do that. What are my legal boundaries in my personal situation, and what can i or have to say/not say to get out of this with the best outcome feesibly possible.

    Also, do you think they will play the tape in court and if so, could i be charged with anything when they see me throwing my grinder underneath my truck (theres no way the camera wouldnt have caught it). What should i say if it comes up? Or does it not have any relevancy to the case?

    Im sorry for the long read im just looking for a quick word of advice from those who know more about this than me. I hope some of you atleast enjoyed the read a little bit and if you were wondering about the grinder, do you think i would i just leave a perfctly good sharpstone grinder on the side of the road for someone else to have? Hell no. I waited my happy ass in a bush until the cops left and went and snagged it before i got a ride to the hotel. Oh yea, and then i got laid later that night. All in all it was a pretty damn good night.
  2. Somebody should correct me if I'm wrong, but I think stepping out of your car authorized his search. How fast were you going?
  3. You're wrong, he was told to step out.

    I would fight it. Don't worry about the roach, they never wrote that up.

    If the cop is in court I would challenge the "you were hauling ass" that became a careless operation. :smoke:
  4. Officer dickface, sounds like.

    I think state laws vary, instead of stepping out on command I would have personally rolled down the window and asked immediately why you were pulled over. In this case you might have gotten lucky on the fact you consented to a search, because smell is enough probable cause to get a dog in the back of your truck. Then it would have been more than a roach.
  5. Believe me, i know how lucky i was, i couldve and shouldve gotten in a lot more shit than what i got. I knew if dogs came i would be fucked but im not stupid and until they catch me red handed im not gonna just fess up. I knew the only chance i had was to hold out long enough until they had no choice but to bring em in or just let me go. That 50/50 chance of getting fucked is way way better than 100% chance of deep shit.
  6. What state do you live in man?

    that ticket is better than them finding that big ol' bag of weed
  7. How did they not find the o?
  8. This question would get better answers on a legal forum. You weren't charged with possession, there is nothing they can do about it now. You should start researching a defense for "careless operation of a motor vehicle". Good luck, friend.
  9. I think also the fact that you pulled into the left lane to let him pass might have tipped him off that you might have been high, even if cops arent after you, you pull to the right to let emergency vehicles pass. I would've automatically assumed he was after me and pulled over haha. Did he write down the speed you were going at and the device they recorded it with? Pretty sure that they have to write that on the ticket for it to be valid... although like someone mentioned state laws vary I guess. You'll have a chance to speak to a lawyer when you show up to court, I know I did when I last went to court and I had the opportunity to dispute what the officer wrote up on me before being in front of a judge. Either way, glad your day wasnt completely ruined :) and you got to keep your oz!
  10. To those of you wondering, this is my saving grace. Manta 30 - Osprey Packs, Inc :2012: Official Site

    Thank you for all the advice, ive done a bit of research and determined what i will tell the judge so i dont have to worry about it anymore. Although i know its a simple traffic ticket, considering the situation and the fact that marijuana was involved, i didnt know how to approach it. But i got a lawyer buddy to help me out and she says getting my ticket reduced to the minimum should be no problem since i wasnt even speeding.

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