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cop searches

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by atomicpenguin12, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Got a question for those of you who have ever been searched by the cops, but especially those who were searched in Boone, NC. I was busted a coupla months ago for being a dumbass and leaving my stuff in a drawer. I've learned my lesson and now I want to have a good stash place, so that if shit happens and the cops show up again they won't find anything anyway. Please note: I know my rights and I know how to handle the situation. I'm talking about being prepared for if the cops show up at my door with a warrant and there's nothing I can do.

    So my question is this: For those of you have been searched before, how thorough are they in their search? Are there certain places that they overlooked? do they shake every soda can or open every book to make sure that they aren't stealth safes? Did they open an innocent box and forget to check for secret compartments? any info would be helpful.
  2. #2 cball, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    busted with stuff in a drawer?? a few basic rules on LEO searches

    1 - no warrants then no cop enters your domicile (home).
    2 - never give permissions to search without a warrant. refer to rule #1
    3 - cops threaten you with worse treatment if they have to get a warrant, refer to rule #1

    Remember you have a lot of rights when you turn 18...don't be bullied by LEO but do not be rude (they have a job to do even if we don't like aspects of it).

    Now where to hide stuff...vents and the freezer always worked for me. I've known people that put stuff in the toilet reservoir.
  3. I also heard that a cop has to (or is supposed to) get a warrant for every lock they have to pick/break open. I have friends that just keeping their big stash inside several locked containers, russian doll style.
  4. I know all of this. Like I said before, I know my rights and I'm talking about if a cop shows up who does have a warrant.
  5. If they do have a warrant then stash it somewhere that isn't your house..
  6. a cop showed up at your house with a warrent? what evidence gave him this warrent?
  7. Wasn't just posting that for you...that's why I included the vent/freezer option.

    If the duct work is typical, a magnet glued to a case of some sort can be used to hold your stuff out of site in the vent (I used to do this in the military, was never found):wave:
  8. I think you shouldn't be doing whatever you are doing that is leading to cops searching your house.

  9. Ya, the OP sounds like he has a his wits so there must be a part of the story we haven't someone narc-ed...a recent ex-gf...something is missing here.:confused:
  10. If you've got a guitar amplifier lying around then just unscrew the screws in the back, pull the backing out and theres room to put your stash in there. thats what i use.
  11. #11 atomicpenguin12, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    I let the smell build up. Not from smoking, but the stuff I had was just that dank. The smell got outside and someone noticed and reported it. When the cop showed up, she said she would get a warrant and that it would be worse if I waited for it and my roomie blabbed. It was a noob mistake and I know not to let it happen again. Still, my roomie is significantly less responsible and I like to have a degree of healthy paranoia, so I'm thinking about what I'll do if it happens again and they get a warrant for real.

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