Cop OD's on weed.... Bogus and BUSTED check it out

Discussion in 'General' started by Bill O'Really, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. #1 Bill O'Really, Jan 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2010
    Ok, so everyone has seen or heard about the Michigan cop that supposedly OD'd on weed brownies. Check out the vid I threw together. The important part is the very first few minutes. You can hear the guy talking while the phone is ringing. Which means it was PROPOGANDA. How the hell can a 911 center record you, before they even answer the phone? Once you realize that you'll know the rest was staged. The shit they say is straight out of Ronnie Reagan era DEA propoganda. Just watch. I know it's shitty, but I just THREW it together. At the end he says the cops just passed. NOT PARAMEDICS. Paramedics go out on medical emergencies, not cops. And why wouldn't they bleep out his and his wife's name? PROPOGANDA. SPREAD THE WORD. this is the kind of shit they use against us, it isn't funny. It only serves to slow our progress. So let everyone know it is BS, and we can use that against them.

    [ame=]YouTube - Propoganda revealed[/ame]
  2. loool. "we had brownies, i think we're dead"
  3. Im a novice smoker, but I know he wouldnt be feeling like that after 1 hour of eating edibles. Especially with a 1/4

    and he can talk and remember well to be "dead"
  4. Lol I remember that video, it was hilarious
  5. You know what's hilarious. When you try to have an intelligent debate with a legislator, and they say "Marijuana is a dangerous drug, don't you remember that cop in Michigan, at least he knew the danger signs of an overdose, and called the paramedics before someone died." Yeah it's real funny. So I think you missed the entire point of the video. THIS ISN'T LOL FUNNY. THIS IS SERIOUS. This is the kind of shit peopple remember and use against us when we try to inform them of the truth about marijuana. Who are they going to believe, you, a stoner. Or a police officer that made a bad choice and almost paid for it with his life?
    See, I know that it is propoganda used to deter, and stop the movement. And I try to counter propoganda with intelligence. No buddy, sorry. It isn't funny. This is just one piece. How much more is out there? I can't bust all of it. But you go ahead and chuckle. Just make sure you tell people that it is propoganda and bullshit and it's been proven, so that they don't go around believing it.

    P.S I love that Wal-Mart has killed more people than weed tag. Now that is true, and hilarious. I apologize now, I'm stealing it.

  6. Power to the people!!!!!
  7. That's what you think. You see that is the danger of Marijuana. Sure it may seem like he is fine, and you think Marijuana isn't dangerous. But He was a cop, so he knows that it was probably laced....... see, propoganda. No matter what you say, they have it covered. "Weed can't do that" it can if its laced. And you can never tell until it's too late. See, PROPOGANDA. And remember, he calls 911 for help.. a drug overdose. That;s another way you can tell it was BS. He says "tell the COPS they just passed my house". This was a medical emergency, police wouldn't have been dispatched to a drug overdose unless the paramedics requested on from the scene..
    This is what the DEA, and PFADA (partnership for a drug free America) call a seed. They put it out there and let people believe it. It's real, not an advertisement. Then later after the lie has been spread enough to become a "truth" they can say it on the news. Just like I told the other guy..."Don't tell us it's not dangerous. remember that poor cop that made a bad decision. He almost paid for it with his life. If he hadn't recognized the signs...blah blah". PROPOGANDA. tell everyone this is a bogus story. Then it can't be argued against us later, and we can actually use it to promote our argument for legalization.:hello:

  8. Right on man. Who they lying to. Don't they know weed helps you focus.?

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